Why is it assumed Muslim refugees can only be received by western countries? Why not oil-rich Arab countries? Because they're very tribal and refuse to dilute their culture with an influx of foreigners. Also they know Western countries will immediately open their wallets and land to 'prove' they're not Islamophobic-Darwish, Sept. 2015
Sept. 2015 article
9/4/2015, "Why Did Oil-Rich Arab Countries Abandon Muslim Refugees?" Frontpage Mag, Nonie Darwish
"Western media is reporting on the Muslim refugee crisis as a
humanitarian problem that the West must deal with. But where are the
media’s questions about the huge financial and land resources available
to oil rich Arab and Muslim countries? Where are the Islamic solutions
in this equation?
The world is often lectured to about the
urgency of respecting Arab and Islamic brotherly love, but where is the
Arab action to rescue fellow Muslims and Arabs from the claws of ISIS?
Where are Arab feminists, especially those who demonstrated against
France for banning the hijab? They are silent and doing nothing to
rescue thousands of women that are victims of Islamic jihadist rape and
enslavement. The only compassionate women helping women in the Middle
East are the Christian mother Teresas and Kayla Muellers of the western
Where are the mighty Arab armies who waged dozens of
wars against Israel? Why aren’t they fighting ISIS and building tent
cities in the vast deserts of Arabia, Egypt, Jordan and the wealthy Gulf
States? They are all claiming they are “moderate” Muslims and that they
are against ISIS. But is one substantive thing they have done?
Where are the thousands of Islamic human rights groups operating in the
West, the likes of CAIR and ISNA, who are dedicating their energy and
millions of dollars to stop discrimination against Muslims and
“Islamophobia” in the West? This is the same West that their refugees
are escaping to.
Where is the wealthy Arab League to coordinate
safe cities on Arab land that extends from Morocco to Iraq and from
Northern Syria to Sudan?
It is obvious that Arab and Islamic governments have not prepared or
planned for the consequences of Islamic turmoil all over the Middle
East. The refugee crisis should have been expected and a disaster was
waiting to happen ever since the Arab Spring failed to produce an
Islamic State in Egypt and ISIS emerged in Syria. But Islamic countries
have ignored the humanitarian crisis resulting from the barbaric
behavior of the Islamic State.
Below are some
of the reasons why Muslim countries rarely prepare for disaster to save lives of other Muslims and heavily rely on the West to rescue victims of Islamic jihad:
Muslim countries know that the West will take care of their
mistakes so they don’t have to avoid the negative consequences of their
Western countries quickly come to the rescue, open their wallets and land to prove to the world that they are not Islamophobes.
Arab countries lack compassion and action to rescue each other despite
the rhetoric of Arab/Islamic unity. Saudi Arabia and Gulf nations never
open their borders to poor Muslims in distress. Even Egypt rejected the
Darfur refugees who were later forced to go to Israel, which took them.
Oil rich Arab countries make it very difficult for other Arabs to visit
except for haj. They are very tribal and refuse to dilute their culture
with influx of foreigners. Third world country workers are treated
inhumanely and are rarely given permanent residency, citizenship or
equal rights.
Arabs would rather spend their petrodollars on expanding their influence
in the West rather than making life better for their own citizens or
supporting other Muslim nations who are financially less fortunate.
Islamic groups believe that refugees from Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan
will spread Sharia in Europe, which is the main goal of jihad.
By clearing the area from the opposition and citizens who are not
contributing to the empowerment of ISIS, clears the way for ISIS to
expand beyond Syria and Iraq. Europe and America are absorbing the
opposition to ISIS, so why stand in the way?
Life and saving lives and avoiding human tragedy are not more important than jihad in Arab culture.
I hope the West will think twice before accepting the thousands of Muslim refugees from the Middle East." image via Frontpage
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