George Soros gave Ivanka's husband's business a $250 million credit line in 2015 per WSJ. Soros is also an investor in Jared's business.

Saturday, October 1, 2016

Hillary Clinton viewed Bernie Sanders supporters as 'children of the Great Recession, living in their parents' basement,' who got their college education but jobs available today aren't what they had in mind. They may be unhappy being a barista, so the idea of being part of of a political revolution is appealing to them, we should be understanding of that-Feb. 2016, Hillary at a Virginia fundraiser

9/30/16, "Hacked Audio Reveals Hillary Clinton Sees Herself Occupying “Center-Left to Center-Right”," The Intercept, Lee Fang, Alex Emmons 

"In a hacked recording of a private conversation with campaign donors in February (2016), Hillary Clinton distanced herself from progressive goals like “free college, free healthcare.”...
The newly disclosed comments came in audio, apparently from hacked emails, that was revealed this week by the Washington Free Beacon, a conservative blog run by a Republican communications strategist. Clinton was speaking at a Virginia fundraiser hosted by Beatrice Welters, the former U.S. ambassador to Trinidad and Tobago, and her husband Anthony Welters, the executive chairman of an investment consulting firm founded by former Clinton aide Cheryl Mills.

Clinton’s opponent at the time, Sen. Bernie Sanders, was pointing to successful programs in Norway and Sweden, which provide universal daycare, family leave, and government sponsored healthcare and college education, as policies that he would seek to adopt....

Clinton went on to explain why she felt so many Democratic voters were gravitating to Sanders.

"CLINTON: Some are new to politics completely. They’re children of the Great Recession. And they are living in their parents’ basement. They feel they got their education and the jobs that are available to them are not at all what they envisioned for themselves. And they don’t see much of a future. I met with a group of young black millennials today and you know one of the young women said, “You know, none of us feel that we have the job that we should have gotten out of college. And we don’t believe the job market is going to give us much of a chance.” So that is a mindset that is really affecting their politics. And so if you’re feeling like you’re consigned to, you know, being a barista, or you know, some other job that doesn’t pay a lot, and doesn’t have some other ladder of opportunity attached to it, then the idea that maybe, just maybe, you could be part of a political revolution is pretty appealing. So I think we should all be really understanding of that and should try to do the best we can not to be, you know, a wet blanket on idealism. We want people to be idealistic. We want them to set big goals. But to take what we can achieve now and try to present them as bigger goals."

Clinton has been accused numerous times in the past of patronizing young Sanders supporters."...


Comment: The word "hacked" is really meaningless. This article frames Hillary's words as "hacked audio" from "a hacked recording." The internet isn't secure. I assume everything I do here can be seen by others. As to whatever Hillary says, she's going for 16 years in the White House after her husband Bill lost his nuclear ID code and never admitted it to the public, went straight from the White House to collecting cash to try and get back there for another 8 years. No "hacked" recordings available on Bill Clinton losing his nuclear ID card. White House insiders knew but kept the secret. Once in 2003 and once in 2010 two insiders quietly let the word out in low key fashion. In third world dictatorships like the US, laws don't apply to the ruling class:

Aug. 4, 2016, "EXCLUSIVE: Hillary fears Trump 'having his finger on the nuclear button' but 1. There is no button (it's a 'football') and 2. It was Bill Clinton who risked nuclear annihilation when he lost the authentication codes," Daily Mail, Ronald Kessler

2010, The Atlantic: "Former President Clinton's office declined to comment today on reports that he managed to lose the personal identification code needed to confirm nuclear launches and never told anyone about it."
2010 article:
Oct. 22, 2010, "Why Clinton's Losing the Nuclear Biscuit Was Really, Really Bad," The Atlantic, Marc Ambinder 
"Former President Clinton's office declined to comment today on reports that he managed to lose the personal identification code needed to confirm nuclear launches and never told anyone about it. Gen. Hugh Shelton, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff during the last few years of Clinton's term, writes about the episode in his new autobiography. Shelton is especially sensitive to the proper authentication procedures."...


August 2016: "Though Hillary Clinton said Donald Trump “is not a man we can trust with nuclear weapons," she might want to take a closer look at her husband, who is being accused of once leaving the U.S. open to attack after losing the nuclear codes."

August 16, 2016, "Bill Clinton Once LOST Nuclear Launch Codes, DC Insider Claims," RadarOnline, staff  

Vanity Fair reported that retired Air Force lieutenant colonel Robert Patterson also recalled Bill losing the codes. We called upstairs, we started a search around the White House for the codes, and [Bill] finally confessed that he in fact misplaced them. He couldn’t recall when he had last seen them, Patterson said.

Clinton specifically lost the personal identification code needed to confirm nuclear launches, also known as the “biscuit.” Without the “biscuit” the president cannot initiate a launch order or confirm one from someone else. As The Atlantic reported, “losing that identifier card had the potential to create a vast disruption in nuclear command and control procedures.” 

Shelton insisted that losing these codes is just as severe as it sounds. “Without the football and the appropriate codes, it doesn’t matter if we’ve got a thousand missiles verified inbound to the United States, we would be unable to launch a retaliatory strike,he wrote."


7/30/16, "Hillary's Recycled Speech," Cal Thomas, Townhall 

"Putting aside the theatrics designed to make Hillary Clinton appear to be something she is not...we've heard it all before.
First there was the charge that Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump cannot be trusted with the nuclear codes. The same was said about Ronald Reagan in 1980. Democrats called him a "cowboy" who might blow up the world. Instead, he rebuilt America's military, as Trump has promised to do, and helped bring down the Soviet Union.
Can Hillary be trusted with classified documents?"...



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I'm the daughter of a World War II Air Force pilot and outdoorsman who settled in New Jersey.