"The country has accepted 275,000 asylum-seekers, many without passports—leading to riots and crime."
"When President Trump last week raised Sweden’s problematic experience with open-door immigration, skeptics were quick to dismiss his claims. Two days later an immigrant suburb of Stockholm was racked by another riot. No one was seriously injured, though the crowd burned cars and hurled stones at police officers.
Mr. Trump did not exaggerate Sweden’s current problems. If anything, he understated them. Sweden took in about 275,000 asylum-seekers from 2014-16—more per capita than any other European country. Eighty percent of those who came in 2015 lacked passports and identification, but a majority come from Muslim nations. Islam has become Sweden’s second-largest religion. In Malmö, our third-largest city, Mohamed is the most common name for baby boys.
The effects are palpable, starting with national security. An estimated 300 Swedish citizens with immigrant backgrounds have traveled to the Middle East to fight for Islamic State. Many are now returning to Sweden and are being welcomed back with open arms by our socialist government. In December 2010 we had our first suicide attack on Swedish soil, when an Islamic terrorist tried to blow up hundreds of civilians in central Stockholm while they were shopping for Christmas presents. Thankfully the bomber killed only himself.
Riots and social unrest have become a part of everyday life. Police officers, firefighters and ambulance personnel are regularly attacked. Serious riots in 2013, involving many suburbs with large immigrant populations, lasted for almost a week. Gang violence is booming. Despite very strict firearm laws, gun violence is five times as common in Sweden, in total, as in the capital cities of our three Nordic neighbors combined.
Anti-Semitism has risen. Jews in Malmö are threatened, harassed and assaulted in the streets. Many have left the city, becoming internal refugees in their country of birth.
The number of sex crimes nearly doubled from 2014-15, according to surveys by the Swedish government body for crime statistics. One-third of Swedish women report that they no longer feel secure in their own neighborhoods, and 12% say they don’t feel safe going out alone after dark. A 1996 report from the same government body found that immigrant men were far likelier to commit rape than Swedish men. Last year our party asked the minister of justice to conduct a new report on crime and immigration, and he replied: “In light of previous studies, I do not see that a further report on recorded crime and individuals’ origins would add knowledge with the potential to improve the Swedish society.”
Our nation’s culture hasn’t been spared either. Artists accused of insulting Islam live under death threats. Dance performances and art exhibitions have been called off for fear of angering Islamists. Schools have prohibited the singing of traditional Christian hymns because they don’t want to “insult” non-Christian immigrants. Yet reports made with hidden cameras by journalists from Swedish public media show mosques teaching fundamentalist interpretations of Islam.
Sweden’s government now spends an incredible amount of money caring for newly arrived immigrants each year. The unemployment rate among immigrants is five times as high as that of native Swedes. Among some groups, such as Somalis, in places like Malmö unemployment reaches 80%.
Our party, the Sweden Democrats, wants to put the security and welfare of Swedish citizens first. We are surging in the opinion polls and seem to have a good chance of becoming the country’s largest party during the elections next year. We will not rest until we have made Sweden safe again.
For the sake of the American people, with whom we share so many strong historical and cultural ties, we can only hope that the leaders in Washington won’t make the same mistakes that our socialist and liberal politicians did
"Mr. Åkesson is party chairman of the Sweden Democrats. Mr. Karlsson is the party’s group leader in Parliament."
Feb. 20, 2017, "Burned out cars following a riot in a suburb of Stockholm, Feb. 20. Photo: Associated Press" via WSJ
Added: Six consecutive nights of rioting in Stockholm, Sweden in May 2013 sent notion of multi-cultural paradise constructed over decades by the Swedish Left up in smoke:
May 25, 2013, "Stockholm riots leave Sweden's dreams of perfect society up in smoke," UK Telegraph, Colin Freeman, Husby, Sweden:
"Police were hardly to be seen, and when they did arrive, it was purely to protect the firefighters dealing with the car blaze rather than make arrests...."Anyone who wants to regulate immigration is immediately classified as a nationalist, which also implies a racist as well," he (Swedish academic Carlbom) said. "It is still almost impossible to debate this question."" In a central Sweden town, "25 masked youths set fire to a school on Friday night." The Swedish Left has "ruled the country for most of the post-war period." Stockholm's outskirts are now dominated by "immigrant populations, including large numbers from Somalia, Eritrea, Afghanistan and Iraq."
May 25, 2013, "Stockholm riots leave Sweden's dreams of perfect society up in smoke," UK Telegraph, Colin Freeman, Husby, Sweden
2013 Stockholm riots |
Added: Dec. 2010 Islamic terror attack in Stockholm, Sweden at Christmas market: The bomber Abdulwahab "was born in Baghdad, Iraq, and moved to Sweden in 1992 and then to Britain in 2001."...Abdulwahab’s father, Thamer, 61, lives in a town south of Stockholm.
12/12/2010, "Sweden suicide bomber: Taimur Abdulwahab al-Abdaly was living in Britain," UK Telegraph, by Duncan Gardham, Marcus Oscarsson and Peter Hutchison
Dec. 2010, Stockholm bombing |
"Taimur Abdulwahab al-Abdaly tried to set off a car bomb packed with gas canisters in a busy shopping street in Stockholm. The car caught fire and the bomber fled the scene before blowing himself up 300yd away 15 minutes later, injuring two bystanders.
It emerged last night that
Abdulwahab, who was due to turn 29 yesterday, is a former physical
therapy student at Bedfordshire University in Luton, and that his wife
and three young children still live in the town....
Abdulmutallab had trained in Yemen, but had become increasingly radical during his time in Britain. The security services and police are concerned that British university campuses have become breeding grounds for extremism. Neighbours told The Daily Telegraph last night that they had last seen Abdulwahab...two and a half weeks ago. The couple have two young girls and a baby son. His wife, Mona, a Swedish citizen, is said to run a home beauty company....Abdulwahab used to go to Friday prayers at the Islamic Centre in Luton.
Abdulmutallab had trained in Yemen, but had become increasingly radical during his time in Britain. The security services and police are concerned that British university campuses have become breeding grounds for extremism. Neighbours told The Daily Telegraph last night that they had last seen Abdulwahab...two and a half weeks ago. The couple have two young girls and a baby son. His wife, Mona, a Swedish citizen, is said to run a home beauty company....Abdulwahab used to go to Friday prayers at the Islamic Centre in Luton.
The bomber had recently advertised on a Muslim dating site for a second wife, saying he was looking for a “lady 25-30 who lives in UK for marriage”. The site, Muslima.com, said he was born in Baghdad, Iraq, and moved to Sweden in 1992 and then to Britain in 2001 to study for a degree in physical therapy, marrying in 2004.
On his Facebook page, he included a group called Yawm al-Qiyaamah, meaning Day of Judgment, that featured a montage of Tower Bridge in flames.
Reports from Sweden said Abdulwahab was shouting in Arabic and carrying six pipebombs, one of which exploded, along with a rucksack full of nails and explosives....
One witness said the bomber had worked as a sandwich board advertiser in the Drottninggatan shopping area.
Carl Bildt, the Swedish foreign minister, said it was “a most worrying attempt at a terrorist attack”, adding that it “failed – but could have been truly catastrophic”. Theresa May, the Home Secretary, said: “The Swedish government have indicated they believe this was a terrorist attack. We will be talking to them about the details of that attack.”
Abdulwahab’s father, Thamer, 61, who lives in Tranås, south of Stockholm, said his son had been at the family home on Friday.
“After he woke up Saturday morning, he took his car and drove off,” he said. “He did not say if he was going to Stockholm or elsewhere.”
An Yemeni Islamist website, Shumukh al-Islam, published a photograph of Abdulwahab in dark glasses, saying: “It is our brother, mujahid Taymour Abdel Wahab, who carried out the martyrdom operation in Stockholm.”
Twelve minutes before the bombing on Saturday, a Swedish news agency received a message with two sound files, one in Swedish and one in Arabic, that was also sent to the Swedish Security Police. The message criticised Swedes’ silence over cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed and Swedish soldiers serving in Afghanistan. Abdulwahab said: “Now your children, your daughters and your sisters will die as our brothers, our sisters and our children are dying.”
He also asked his family for forgiveness for misleading them about a trip to the Middle East: “I never went to the Middle East to work or to make money, I went for jihad.” He asked his wife to kiss the children on his behalf. “Tell them Daddy loves them,” he added." image above from UK Telegraph
Added: Islamic terror attacks in in Europe mean loss of lucrative tourism dollars. Paris, France lost 1.5 million tourists and $1 billion in revenue in 2016 due to Islamic terror fears-AFP
2/21/17, "Paris visitor numbers hit in 2016 after attacks," AFP, Katia Dolmadjian, Paris
"Paris saw a drop of 1.5 million tourists in 2016 as fears linked to terror attacks scared off visitors, especially from China and Japan, figures showed Tuesday....
The shortfall cost Paris about 1.3 billion euros ($1 billion), the CRT said."...
Added: Also in France in 2016, Islamic mass murder on the Riviera via truck with bulletproof glass. French "terror" readiness consisted of police having hand guns. At least 84 killed, hundreds more injured:
Added: Also in France in 2016, Islamic mass murder on the Riviera via truck with bulletproof glass. French "terror" readiness consisted of police having hand guns. At least 84 killed, hundreds more injured:
7/15/16, "Nice (France) terror truck had bullet-resistant windshield," Debka File Exclusive (now req. subscription)
"At least 84 people were killed when a huge truck drove into crowds celebrating Bastille Day in the French Riviera town of Nice on the famous Promenade des Anglais seafront Thursday night in a horrific Islamist terror attack. Hundreds more were injured."...
Comment: Deciding not to participate in your own genocide is a brave step. You'll be attacked by enraged globalist elites who thought they'd sidelined you.
Definition of genocide:
"Generally speaking, genocide does not necessarily mean the immediate destruction of a nation....It is...rather...a coordinated plan of different actions aiming at the destruction of essential foundations of the life of national groups with the aim of annihilating the groups themselves. The objectives of such a plan would be the disintegration of the
political and social institutions, of
national feelings,
religion, and the
economic existence of national groups,
and the destruction of personal security, liberty, health, dignity, and even the lives of the individuals belonging to such groups."...
"The crime of genocide is defined in the "Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Genocide."...
"Raphael Lemkin in his masterpiece "Axis Rule in Occupied Europe" (1943) invented the term "genocide" by combining "genos" (race, people) and "cide" (to kill). Lemkin defined genocide"...from Genocide Watch
1/7/2015, "The European Civil War: Elites vs People in a Fight for Survival," Gerald Warner, Breitbart London
"Europe is in a state of war: specifically, a civil war between the self-appointed elites who have destroyed much of the continent’s freedom, culture and prosperity and the insurgent populations they have deceived and enslaved."...
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