Poroshenko says, “Our children will go to schools and kindergartens–theirs [in Donbass] will hole up in the basements."…10/23/2014, Speech at Odessa Opera House
“Poroshenko: “Their children will hole up in the basements – this is how we win the war!” [ENG SUBS]”
“Petro Poroshenko announced another cynical approach of the Ukrainian government to the recalcitrant residents of Donbass during his speech in Odessa.”…10/23/2014 Speech at Odessa Opera House
Poroshenko: “Because we will have our jobs, they will not. We will have our pensions, they will not. We will have care for children, for people and retirees–they will not. Our children will go to schools and kindergartens–theirs will hole up in the basements.”
Additional source: “Ukraine’s previous President, Poroshenko, and his policy on Donbass: Their children “will hide in the basements:” 10/23/2014 Speech at Odessa Opera House
Added: No surprise-Poroshenko is Soros “protege”: “Financier and philanthropist George Soros has recently considered Mr. Poroshenko his immediate protege.”
Like NATO, “The George Soros group seeks to maintain its position in the CIS countries along the perimeter of the borders of the Russian Federation.”...
10/13/2018, “The President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko has enlisted the support of Trump’s opponents,” Luxembourg Herald
Nov. 2015 image: “U.S. billionaire and philanthropist, founder of Open Society Foundations George Soros speaks with Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko”. Photo by president.gov.ua
“After his visit to New York in September [2018] to attend the UN General Assembly meeting, President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko expressed gratitude to Ukrainian businessman Viktor Pinchuk for mediating in organizing his meeting with financier and philanthropist George Soros. Poroshenko’s special thanks were addressed to the Ukrainian oligarch Dmitry Firtash and deputy Sergey Lyovochkin for meeting with congressmen from the US Democratic Party. Petro Poroshenko stressed that “he was heard and promised full support in the upcoming [March 31, 2019] presidential elections.”
Added: 1/28/2020, “The Wall Street Journal reported on Oct. 31 [2019] that the International Monetary Fund, which has provided more than $20 billion in loans to Ukraine, “remains skeptical after a history of broken promises [from the Ukraine govt]. Kiev hasn’t successfully completed any of a series of IMF bailout packages over the past two decades, with systemic corruption at the heart of much of that failure.”
The IMF concluded that Ukraine continued to be vexed by “shortcomings in the legal framework, pervasive corruption, and large parts of the economy dominated by inefficient state-owned enterprises or by oligarchs.”
That last item is damning for the U.S. benevolent pretensions.
If a former Soviet republic cannot even terminate its government-owned boondoggles, then why in hell was the U.S. government bankrolling them?
Transparency International, which publishes an annual Corruption Perceptions Index, shows that corruption surged in Ukraine in the late 1990s(after the U.S. decided to rescue them) and remains at abysmal levels….
Actually, the best gauge of Ukrainian corruption is the near-total collapse of its citizens’ trust in government or in their own future. Since 1991, the nation has lost almost 20% of its population as citizens flee abroad like passengers leaping off a sinking ship….
Foreign aid is virtue signaling with other people’s money. As long the aid spawns press releases and photo opportunities for presidents and members of Congress and campaign donations from corporate and other beneficiaries, little else matters. Congress almost never conducts thorough investigations into the failure of aid programs despite their legendary pratfalls….(RELATED: Fiona Hill Wrote 2015 Op-Ed Opposing U.S. Aid To Ukraine)…
Investment guru Jim Rogers declared: “Most foreign aid winds up with outside consultants, the local military, corrupt bureaucrats, the new NGO [nongovernmental organizations] administrators, and Mercedes dealers.” After the Obama administration promised massive aid to Ukraine in 2014, Hunter Biden jumped on the gravy train – as did legions of well-connected Washingtonians and other hustlers around the nation. Similar largesse assures that there will never be a shortage of overpaid individuals and hired think tanks ready to write op-eds or letters to the editor of the Washington Post whooping up the moral greatness of foreign aid or some such hokum….
The real outrage is that Trump and prior presidents, with Congress cheering all the way, delivered so many U.S. tax dollars to Kiev that any reasonable person knew would be wasted. If Washington truly wants to curtail foreign corruption, ending U.S. foreign aid is the best first step.” James Bovard, Daily Caller, 1/28/2020
Added: $17 billion IMF loan to Ukraine in 2014 required “control over the east:” “Should the central government lose effective control over the east, the program will need to be re-designed...“This is something of a leap of faith for the IMF and is politically driven by key IMF shareholders.”…
May 1, 2014, “IMF warns Ukraine on bailout if it loses east,” CNBC, Catherine Boyle
““This is something of a leap of faith for the IMF and is politically driven by key IMF shareholders to support the ([US-selected] interim prime minister Arseniy) Yatseniuk “kamikaze” administration in its [supposed] reform efforts,” according to Tim Ash, head of emerging markets research at Standard Bank….
Ukraine, struggling with a stuttering economy as well as [what the war crowd hopes is] an escalating crisis with neighboring Russia, has had its $17 billion International Monetary Fund bailout signed off. But international lenders are already warning of threats to its funding.
Christine Lagarde, IMF managing director, warned “further escalation of tensions with Russia and unrest in the east of the country pose a substantial risk to the economic outlook.”
In a staff report on the aid program, published Thursday, the IMF added that a change to eastern Ukraine’s borders could force it to adjust its bailout.
“The unfolding developments in the east and tense relations with Russia could severely disrupt bilateral trade and depress investment confidence for a considerable period of time, thus worsening the economic outlook,” it said.
“Should the central government lose effective control over the east, the program will need to be re-designed.”
The detention of Russia’s military attaché to Kiev by Ukrainian police on Thursday morning highlighted concerns that the tensions gripping the country are unlikely to go away.
The IMF predicts Ukraine’s economy to shrink by 5 percent at least this year. The country has been hidebound by corruption in business and politics. New anti-corruption laws are expected, but their effectiveness remains to be seen.”…
Added: Ukraine is a “U.S.-controlled aboriginal regime....If actually a sovereign state, Ukraine would have refused to receive Biden” in Jan. 2017 on his final trip to Ukraine as US VP:
[Image: Grim Reaper image: “State Dept’s Mission: Coup d’etat,” Technocratic Tyranny]
1/17/2017, “Farewell tour of “old Joe”: Biden’s last visit to Ukraine,” Eurasia Daily, Denis Gayevsky, Kiev
“If you remember, the anti-terrorist operation in Donbass was preceded by the visit of U.S. Vice President Joe Biden and CIA Director John Brennan to Kiev.
During that visit in Apr 2014,
Biden was sitting at the head of the negotiating table-
the place meant for the president of Ukraine –and was distributing directives to the representatives of the “sovereign” Maidan regime.
Since then [April 2014] he [Biden] has been the United States’ key inspector for Ukraine. Since 2014, old Joe has paid five visits to Kiev. In Dec 2015, he confessed that he had more conversations with Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko than with his own wife. In less than two years, the two spent more than 1,000 hours talking on the phone.
In Ukraine, Biden was responsible for a wide range of issues-from appointments of personnel (it was he who forced Poroshenko to dismiss Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin in exchange for a $1bn loan)
and settlement of conflicts inside the Kiev “terrarium of kindred
spirits” to military-political and diplomatic activities. And, of
course, he actively encouraged the Kiev regime into fighting corruption,
implementing reforms and doing other tasks U.S.-controlled aboriginal regimes are usually supposed to do.
Formally, Biden was an advocate of diplomatic efforts in Donbass. While speaking at the Supreme Rada in Dec 2015, he [Biden] even urged the Kiev authorities to do something they usually punished their opponents for – to federalize Ukraine.
But if the Americans were actually keen to settle the conflict in Donbass,
Poroshenko would have forced the MPs to approve bills on Minsk 2.
Onishchenko’s recordings have shown that the Ukrainian MPs can approve any decision if they get certain financial resources in exchange.
On Jan 6, 2017, Biden paid his last visit to Kiev as U.S. vice president. His agenda was as always – calls for implementing Minsk 2, promoting reforms and organizing anti-corruption investigations. But there was a couple of special moments.
Obama’s administration is doing its best to leave Trump with minimal room for foreign political maneuver – more specifically, to bind him with a net of agreements and restrictions (concerning New Europe, the Middle East and Southeast Asia). Ukraine will not be an exception here as the Americans are not going to let it spoil their game. Ukraine will certainly be one of the key topics during Trump’s talks with the Russians. So, Biden’s task may be to offer the Kiev authorities
a plan of action that will make such talks impossible.
In the weeks to come,
we may witness resumed battles in Donbass and
different anti-Russian military provocations, as was the case
with the recent missile firings in the Black Sea.
If actually a sovereign state, Ukraine would have refused to receive Biden. But it seems that for the Kiev regime friendly backslappings by the U.S. boss are more important than their country’s national interests.
But politics are not Biden’s only interest in Ukraine. Here he also has business interests. His son, Hunter Biden, is in the board of Ukraine’s biggest private gas producer, Burisma Holdings (an annual output of 1.5bn c m). That company is owned by Mykola Zlochevsky, who was Ecology Minister under Viktor Yanukovych. And just a week before Biden’s visit to Ukraine, the country’s Prosecutor General Yuri Lutsenko ceased all criminal proceedings against Zlochevsky. Poroshenko might have had a big role here as in Vienna journalists saw Zlochevsky talking with Poroshenko’s man Ihor Kononenko, one of the grey cardinals of the Kiev regime.
Lutsenko’s decision was a great gift to the Biden family as now they have free hands in Ukraine. Hunter Biden’s appointment into Burisma’s board was
a bright example of elite corruption:
Biden was given access to a gainful sector while Zlochevsky got a political cover.
So, now that Biden has given final directives to his subordinates and has ensured sufficient defense for his family business, he can go back home with peace of mind and anticipation of a worthy retirement allowance, while disintegrated and imbalanced Ukraine will continue dabbling in the pit of its problems.”
Denis Gayevsky, Kiev
Added: Disintegration of Ukraine
- For the sake of election PR: on consequences of Ukraine’s exit from CIS
- West’s criticism and broken ties with Russia: Results of April for Ukraine
- Ukraine is being deindustrialized according to Baltic scenario: opinion
- A Ukrainian eye for a Syrian one: possible outcome of escalation in Syria
- As the last ally: Lithuania takes Ukraine under its patronage
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