George Soros gave Ivanka's husband's business a $250 million credit line in 2015 per WSJ. Soros is also an investor in Jared's business.

Monday, November 13, 2017

Radical Obama America Last Ideologue is top US official at Bonn Climate Summit. Obama holdovers kept in place by Trump are there making policy as if Trump lost the election. Commitments of US taxpayer dollars are being made-David Wojick, PhD...(Why are US taxpayers still paying Obama holdovers? Didn't Trump say he didn't want us to be the world's laughing stock anymore?)

"Clearly the Obama greens are still in place in the US Government and they are actively defying, not hiding. This must change. When it comes to the Paris Agreement, Andrew Rakestraw has to go. We need true Trump people sitting at the Paris Pact table. An Earthjustice blogger does not fit this job description." (near end of article)

"Why is this jerk-off even credentialed? Why are we still paying Obama hold-overs?" commenter

Nov. 13, 2017, "Obama greens are running the Trump negotiating team at the UN climate summit,",   

"Given President Trump’s momentous decision to leave the UN Paris Agreement, you would think that the State Department would send Trump people to the Bonn climate summit to represent US interests. You would be wrong. The US climate negotiator holding the top UN position there is an Obama hack named Andrew Rakestraw.

Rakestraw is an official co-facilitator in the Bonn COP talks, the only US delegate to hold such a high position. In UN-speak this is the equivalent of a Committee Chairman. As with laws in the US Congress, draft rules for implementing the Paris Pact are first developed by standing committees, which the UN euphemistically calls “informal consultations.” These informal consultations produce very formal proposed rules.

Each informal consultation is led by two co-facilitators, one from a developed country (where the vast Paris Pact money is supposed to come from) and one from a developing country (where these huge sums are supposed to go). Andrew Rakestraw is co-facilitator of the Transparency Framework, along with Xiang Gao from China. Transparency here means who is giving what money to whom under the so-called “financial mechanisms” of the Paris Agreement....

Prior to Trump’s announcement of withdrawal, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson argued that the US should stay in, in order to protect US interests. To a degree Tillerson got his wish, because the US is stuck in for now. But Andrew Rakestraw is certainly not the person to protect US interests. He is clearly a radical Obama era green and a friend of the Paris Pact fiasco....

More likely the State climate change group is simply defying the Trump Administration. This is similar to the way the US Global Change Research Program has defied the new Administration by issuing its wildly alarmist Climate Science Special Report.

"Here is the semi-official synopsis of how the Transparency Framework informal consultation meeting went on Saturday, November 11, 2017. There is no hint of Trump policy here, especially since this is all about climate-based financial flows from developed to developing countries, which Trump rejects. (Sorry for the UN-speak but this is how things go in UN COPs.)

Informal consultations co-facilitated by Xiang Gao (China) and Andrew Rakestraw (US) met twice in the afternoon. In the first session, the co-facilitators invited countries to address Section G and H of the preliminary material document on the facilitative multilateral consideration of progress and technical expert review (TER). Many countries expressed concern that their submissions had been incompletely or inaccurately captured, and identified missing elements. In the second session, the co-facilitators invited countries to address Section F on support needed and received. Several countries identified missing elements and opportunities for streamlining. A country group expressed concern about the process, emphasizing that comments and edits should, at this time, be limited to countries own submissions. Several parties responded that urgency impelled them to speak about both their own material and that of others. Two parties argued that support registered in the transparency framework must be agreed by both providers and receivers to be aimed exclusively at meeting Paris Agreement obligations. Countries mandated the co-facilitators to prepare an informal note as soon as possible and solicit countries reactions in informal consultations on Monday, 13 November.” (“Informal note” is UN-speak for a draft document.)"

"Clearly the Obama greens are still in place in the US Government and they are actively defying, not hiding. This must change. When it comes to the Paris Agreement, Andrew Rakestraw has to go. We need true Trump people sitting at the Paris Pact table. An Earthjustice blogger does not fit this job description."...

Among comments


Why did Trump even allow anyone to go, if he pulled the US out of this leftist fiasco.


Radical Globalists are in charge of most of the State Dept anyway. Time to clean house and stop the inertia that keep these idiotic ideas alive.


Why is this jerk-off even credentialed? Why are we still paying Obama hold-overs?"



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I'm the daughter of a World War II Air Force pilot and outdoorsman who settled in New Jersey.