"The amount of heat-trapping pollution the world spewed rose again last year (2011) by 3 percent....
The overwhelming majority of the increase was from China, the world’s biggest carbon dioxide polluter. Of the planet’s top 10 polluters, the United States and Germany were the only countries that reduced their carbon dioxide emissions....
The latest pollution numbers, calculated by the Global Carbon Project, a joint venture of the Energy Department and the Norwegian Research Council, show that worldwide carbon dioxide levels are 54 percent higher than the 1990 baseline.
The 2011 figures for the biggest polluters:
1. China, up 10 percent to 10 billion tons.
2. United States, down 2 percent to 5.9 billion tons
3. India, up 7 percent to 2.5 billion tons.
4. Russia, up 3 percent to 1.8 billion tons.
5. Japan, up 0.4 percent to 1.3 billion tons.
6. Germany, down 4 percent to 0.8 billion tons.
7. Iran, up 2 percent to 0.7 billion tons.
8. South Korea, up 4 percent to 0.6 billion tons.
9. Canada, up 2 percent to 0.6 billion tons.
10. South Africa, up 2 percent to 0.6 billion tons."
5/10/13, "Joe Biden on the idea of a U.S. carbon tax: "we know it will go nowhere"; he also compares Chinese CO2 emissions to chunks of cement washing up in Oregon after the Japanese tsunami," Tom Nelson
Joe Biden: The Rolling Stone Interview | Politics News | Rolling Stone (5/9/13)
[Q] You mentioned a carbon tax. Is the Obama administration going to follow the lead of China and propose such a policy?
[Biden] The truth is, right now, no, because we know it will go nowhere. Look, one of the things we are doing, and the president is asking me to kind of get ahead of here, is that we have a real chance, both in this hemisphere and with China, to enter into joint ventures on renewable energy and on cleaner-burning natural gas. Let me give you an example: The Chinese are building something like one new coal-fired plant a week – a week. So pick the biggest coal-fired plant you know around here that's spewing pollution, and they're building them every week, and they've been doing that for the last six or seven years.
The Chinese have figured out that they have a giant environmental problem. Folks in Beijing, some days, literally can't breathe. Over a million Chinese die prematurely every year because of air pollution. And the pollution generated in China is choking us, not just the Chinese. One of the examples I used on the campaign trail last year was that after the Japanese tsunami, we had huge chunks of cement, chunks of piers, washing up on the beach in Oregon. If the current can carry that stuff across the ocean, imagine what's coming across in the atmosphere. So we have a great opportunity here to figure out how we can not only begin to wean ourselves off of carbon-based fuels but wean the world off of them too."" via Climate Depot
1000+ new coal plants opening, big banks financing:
11/19/12, "More than 1,000 New Coal Plants Planned Worldwide," Damian Carrington, UK Guardian
"Most new coal-fired plants will be built by Chinese or Indian companies. But new plants have largely been financed by both commercial banks and development banks.
JP Morgan Chase has provided more than $16.5bn (£10.3bn) for new coal plants over the past six years, followed by
11/19/12, "More than 1,000 New Coal Plants Planned Worldwide," Damian Carrington, UK Guardian
"Most new coal-fired plants will be built by Chinese or Indian companies. But new plants have largely been financed by both commercial banks and development banks.
JP Morgan Chase has provided more than $16.5bn (£10.3bn) for new coal plants over the past six years, followed by
- Citi ($13.8bn).
- Barclays ($11.5bn) comes in as the fifth biggest coal backer and
- the Royal Bank of Scotland ($10.9bn) as the seventh.
- The Japan Bank for International Co-operation was the biggest development bank ($8.1bn), with
- the World Bank ($5.3bn) second....
6/4/12, “Climate change stunner: USA leads world in CO2 cuts since 2006,” Vancouver Observer, Saxifrage

“Not only that, but as my top chart shows, US CO2 emissions are falling even faster than what President Obama pledged in the global Copenhagen Accord....Here is the biggest shocker of all: the average American's CO2 emissions are down to levels not seen since 1964 -- over half a century ago.... It is exactly America's historical role of biggest and dirtiest that makes their sharp decline in CO2 pollution so noteworthy and potentially game changing at the global level."...

“Not only that, but as my top chart shows, US CO2 emissions are falling even faster than what President Obama pledged in the global Copenhagen Accord....Here is the biggest shocker of all: the average American's CO2 emissions are down to levels not seen since 1964 -- over half a century ago.... It is exactly America's historical role of biggest and dirtiest that makes their sharp decline in CO2 pollution so noteworthy and potentially game changing at the global level."...
News of US CO2 plunge has been described as:
CO2 has gone up but temperatures haven't. End of story. China's massive CO2 increases render the rest of the world's reductions meaningless. Global CO2 increased
from 2005-2011 because China was up 60%, North America and Europe lowered
CO2. Western politicians impoverish poor and middle class citizens via a legal crime:
5/8/13, "Jack Mintz: Canada unfairly Gored," Financial Post opinion
"Al Gore likened Alberta’s oil sands to an “open sewer” that contributes “to the reckless spewing of pollution into the Earth’s atmosphere.”
The proof, however, is in the statistics rather than political conjecture. Compiled by the U.S. Energy Information Administration, energy-related carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, accounting for almost 85% of greenhouse gas emissions, have grown worldwide by 15% from 2005 to 2011. This must surely be depressing to many climatologists who wish to see concerted global action to reduce carbon emissions. It is so far off reduction targets, it is almost laughable....
Carbon emissions coming from the emerging countries swamp trends from advanced countries in North America and Europe. China alone has increased carbon emissions by almost 60% from 2005 to 2011. The absolute increase in metric tons is three times more than all the reduction that has taken place in all of Canada, Europe, Japan and the United States. Add India and Russia to China and CO2 emissions have increased by four billion metric tons in six years time....
Despite the efforts in the advanced countries to reduce GHG emissions, their efforts are swamped by the huge increase of such emissions in emerging economies. If climate policies have any effect, they must be achievable at the global level. It makes little sense for advanced countries to take on policies that hurt their own economic growth if environmental benefits are unattainable.
Such failure seems to be the case with China, Russia and others where carbon emissions are sharply on the rise. It is almost as if the Western countries are digging ditches, only to see them filled up by emerging countries following up from behind." via Tom Nelson
5/8/13, "Jack Mintz: Canada unfairly Gored," Financial Post opinion
"Al Gore likened Alberta’s oil sands to an “open sewer” that contributes “to the reckless spewing of pollution into the Earth’s atmosphere.”
The proof, however, is in the statistics rather than political conjecture. Compiled by the U.S. Energy Information Administration, energy-related carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, accounting for almost 85% of greenhouse gas emissions, have grown worldwide by 15% from 2005 to 2011. This must surely be depressing to many climatologists who wish to see concerted global action to reduce carbon emissions. It is so far off reduction targets, it is almost laughable....
Carbon emissions coming from the emerging countries swamp trends from advanced countries in North America and Europe. China alone has increased carbon emissions by almost 60% from 2005 to 2011. The absolute increase in metric tons is three times more than all the reduction that has taken place in all of Canada, Europe, Japan and the United States. Add India and Russia to China and CO2 emissions have increased by four billion metric tons in six years time....
Despite the efforts in the advanced countries to reduce GHG emissions, their efforts are swamped by the huge increase of such emissions in emerging economies. If climate policies have any effect, they must be achievable at the global level. It makes little sense for advanced countries to take on policies that hurt their own economic growth if environmental benefits are unattainable.
Such failure seems to be the case with China, Russia and others where carbon emissions are sharply on the rise. It is almost as if the Western countries are digging ditches, only to see them filled up by emerging countries following up from behind." via Tom Nelson
Der Spiegel, Scientists note halt in global warming, Jan. 2013:
1/18/13, “Climate change: scientists puzzle over halt in global warming,” Der Spiegel, by Axel Bojanowski (translation from German by google)
Der Spiegel, Scientists note halt in global warming, Jan. 2013:
1/18/13, “Climate change: scientists puzzle over halt in global warming,” Der Spiegel, by Axel Bojanowski (translation from German by google)
1/29/13, "China Uses Nearly as Much Coal as Rest of World Combined, EIA Says," Wall St. Journal, Cassandra Sweet
"China's use of coal has grown quickly over the last decade and now rivals the amount of coal consumed by the rest of the world combined, the U.S. Energy Information Administration said Tuesday....
"China's use of coal has grown quickly over the last decade and now rivals the amount of coal consumed by the rest of the world combined, the U.S. Energy Information Administration said Tuesday....
China was also the world's largest coal producer in 2011, producing
more than 3.5 billion metric tons, or nearly 46% of global coal
production that year, according to data published by the International
Energy Agency. China was also the world's largest net importer of coal
in 2011, importing about 177 million metric tons of coal, according to
the IEA.
The U.S. produced a little more than one billion metric tons of coal in 2011, or nearly 13% of the world supply, according to the IEA.
Global demand for coal has grown by about 2.9 billion short tons, or 2.6 billion metric tons, since 2000, with 82% of that demand growth in China, the EIA said."...
The U.S. produced a little more than one billion metric tons of coal in 2011, or nearly 13% of the world supply, according to the IEA.
Global demand for coal has grown by about 2.9 billion short tons, or 2.6 billion metric tons, since 2000, with 82% of that demand growth in China, the EIA said."...
May 2012 Washington Post citation about China CO2:
"China was the biggest
contributor (in 2011), with carbon dioxide output growing 9.3 percent." (3rd parag.)
5/25/12, "U.S. cut its carbon emissions in 2011 — but China erased the gains," Washington Post, Brad Plumer
"Yes, it’s true: Americans are slowly starting to tackle global warming. U.S. carbon emissions dropped 1.7 percent last year, according to the International Energy Agency. But that only went so far. Thanks to China’s fast growth, the world’s greenhouse-gas emissions hit record highs in 2011....
China was the biggest contributor, with carbon dioxide output growing 9.3 percent — thanks in large part to a rise in coal consumption."...
5/25/12, "U.S. cut its carbon emissions in 2011 — but China erased the gains," Washington Post, Brad Plumer
"Yes, it’s true: Americans are slowly starting to tackle global warming. U.S. carbon emissions dropped 1.7 percent last year, according to the International Energy Agency. But that only went so far. Thanks to China’s fast growth, the world’s greenhouse-gas emissions hit record highs in 2011....
China was the biggest contributor, with carbon dioxide output growing 9.3 percent — thanks in large part to a rise in coal consumption."...
A Grist author thinks few talk about plunging US CO2 emissions because the causes are seen as negative for Obama in some circles such as natural gas fracking, the recession, and harsh EPA regulations:
7/17/12, "U.S. leads the world in cutting CO2 emissions — so why aren’t we talking about it?" Grist, David Roberts
"Contrary to popular belief, the U.S. is making progress on climate change.
We have cut our carbon emissions more than any other country in the world in recent years — 7.7 percent since 2006. U.S. emissions fell 1.9 percent last year and are projected to fall 1.9 percent again this year...
Why isn’t this extraordinary story a bigger deal in U.S. politics? You’d think Obama would be boasting about it! Turns out, though, it’s a little awkward for him, since several of the drivers responsible are things for which
he can’t (or might not want to) take credit."...
Yale 360 authors expect US CO2 emissions to decline even further:
7/17/12, "U.S. leads the world in cutting CO2 emissions — so why aren’t we talking about it?" Grist, David Roberts
"Contrary to popular belief, the U.S. is making progress on climate change.
We have cut our carbon emissions more than any other country in the world in recent years — 7.7 percent since 2006. U.S. emissions fell 1.9 percent last year and are projected to fall 1.9 percent again this year...
Why isn’t this extraordinary story a bigger deal in U.S. politics? You’d think Obama would be boasting about it! Turns out, though, it’s a little awkward for him, since several of the drivers responsible are things for which
he can’t (or might not want to) take credit."...
Yale 360 authors expect US CO2 emissions to decline even further:
4/21/12, "Why [CO2] Emissions Are Declining in the U.S. But Not in Europe," by Michael Shellenberger and Ted Nordhaus, newgeography.com
"As we note below in a new article for Yale360, a funny thing happened: U.S. emissions started going down in 2005 and are expected to decline further over the next decade."
"As we note below in a new article for Yale360, a funny thing happened: U.S. emissions started going down in 2005 and are expected to decline further over the next decade."
"Virtually everyone believes the shift could have major long-term implications for U.S. energy policy.”…
8/16/12, “AP IMPACT: CO2 emissions in US drop to 20-year low,” AP, Kevin Begos
“In a surprising turnaround, the amount of carbon dioxide being released into the atmosphere in the U.S. has fallen dramatically to its lowest level in 20 years, and government officials say the biggest reason is that cheap and plentiful natural gas has led many power plant operators to switch from dirtier-burning coal.
Many of the world’s leading climate scientists didn’t see the drop coming, in large part because it happened as a result of market forces rather than direct government action against carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas that traps heat in the atmosphere.
“In a surprising turnaround, the amount of carbon dioxide being released into the atmosphere in the U.S. has fallen dramatically to its lowest level in 20 years, and government officials say the biggest reason is that cheap and plentiful natural gas has led many power plant operators to switch from dirtier-burning coal.
Many of the world’s leading climate scientists didn’t see the drop coming, in large part because it happened as a result of market forces rather than direct government action against carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas that traps heat in the atmosphere.
Michael Mann, director of the Earth System Science Center at Penn State University, said the shift away from coal is reason for “cautious optimism” about potential ways to deal with climate change….
In a little-noticed technical report, the U.S. Energy Information Agency, a part of the Energy Department, said this month that energy related U.S. CO2 emissions for the first four months of this year fell to about 1992 levels. Energy emissions make up about 98 percent of the total.
The Associated Press contacted environmental experts, scientists and utility companies and learned that virtually everyone believes the shift could have major long-term implications for U.S. energy policy.”…
In a little-noticed technical report, the U.S. Energy Information Agency, a part of the Energy Department, said this month that energy related U.S. CO2 emissions for the first four months of this year fell to about 1992 levels. Energy emissions make up about 98 percent of the total.
The Associated Press contacted environmental experts, scientists and utility companies and learned that virtually everyone believes the shift could have major long-term implications for U.S. energy policy.”…
Up to one third of emissions over California come from China:
7/20/2007, "Huge Dust Plumes From China Cause Changes in Climate," WSJ, Robert Lee Hotz
"On some days, almost a third of the air over Los Angeles and San Francisco can be traced directly to Asia. With it comes up to three-quarters of the black carbon particulate pollution that reaches the West Coast, Dr. Ramanathan and his colleagues recently reported in the Journal of Geophysical Research.
"On some days, almost a third of the air over Los Angeles and San Francisco can be traced directly to Asia. With it comes up to three-quarters of the black carbon particulate pollution that reaches the West Coast, Dr. Ramanathan and his colleagues recently reported in the Journal of Geophysical Research.
This transcontinental pollution is part of a growing global traffic in dust and aerosol particles made worse by drought and deforestation, said Steven Cliff, who studies the problem at the University of California at Davis.
Aerosols -- airborne microscopic particles -- are produced naturally every time a breeze catches sea salt from ocean spray, or a volcano erupts, or a forest burns, or a windstorm kicks up dust, for example. They also are released in exhaust fumes, factory vapors and coal-fired power plant emissions....
Asia is the world's largest source of aerosols, man-made and natural. Every spring and summer, storms whip up silt from the Gobi desert of Mongolia and the hardpan of the Taklamakan desert of western China, where, for centuries, dust has shaped a way of life."...
Aerosols -- airborne microscopic particles -- are produced naturally every time a breeze catches sea salt from ocean spray, or a volcano erupts, or a forest burns, or a windstorm kicks up dust, for example. They also are released in exhaust fumes, factory vapors and coal-fired power plant emissions....
Asia is the world's largest source of aerosols, man-made and natural. Every spring and summer, storms whip up silt from the Gobi desert of Mongolia and the hardpan of the Taklamakan desert of western China, where, for centuries, dust has shaped a way of life."...
More on China emissions over US west coast:
April 2011, "Air Pollution in China, Facts and Details," Jeffrey Hays
"The Japanese professor Fumitaka Yanagisawa said that when he presented a paper at a Chinese university that suggested some pollution in Japan originated in China he was booed by the audience and said “even now it’s sort of taboo to mention cross-border pollution when I’m invited to give a speech in China.” Reiko Sodeno, of the Japanese environmental ministry, told AFP, “It will have adverse affects if we push China too much on cross-border pollution...Blaming other countries wouldn’t help to solve the problem, as it only hurts national pride.”"...(see sub-heading, 'Chinese air pollution goes abroad')
"Soot, dust and chemical pollutants from China have been captured in a weather observation stations on the summit of Mount Bachelor in Cascade Range in Oregon. Soot, dust, ozone and nitrous oxides can be detected by satellites moving across the Pacific." (see sub-head, 'Chinese air pollution reaches the United States')
"Electricity prices in China are half of those in developed countries."...(under sub-head, 'Cleaning up air pollution in China').
"Even if China increased the efficiency of its coal burning power plants, it wouldn't make much of difference because so many small industries and households burn coal for heating, cooking and power."...(sub-head, 'Success and limitations in cleaning up air pollution in China')."...
8/26/2007, "As China Roars, Pollution Reaches Deadly Extremes," NY Times, J. Kahn, J. Yardley
"(Communist Chinese) Provincial officials, who enjoy substantial autonomy, often ignore environmental edicts, helping to reopen mines or factories closed by central authorities. Over all, enforcement is often tinged with corruption. This spring, officials in Yunnan Province in southern China beautified Laoshou Mountain, which had been used as a quarry, by spraying green paint over acres of rock. (p. 2 of 6) ...
Beijing also insists that it will accept no mandatory limits on its carbon dioxide emissions, which would almost certainly reduce its industrial growth. It argues that rich countries caused global warming and should find a way to solve it without impinging on China’s development....(p. 2 of 6)
"Senior leaders are either too timid to enforce their orders, or the fast-growth political culture they preside over is too entrenched to heed them....
China cannot go green, in other words, without political change....(p. 5 of 6, bottom)
"Today, a culture of collusion between government and business has made all but the most pro-growth government policies hard to enforce."...(p. 6 of 6. 2nd para.)
"Officials have rejected proposals to introduce surcharges on electricity and coal to reflect the true cost to the environment. The state still controls the price of fuel oil, including gasoline, subsidizing the cost of driving. (p. 6)
"Energy and environmental officials have little influence in the bureaucracy. The environmental agency still has only about 200 full-time employees, compared with
18,000 at the Environmental Protection Agency in the United States. "...
"(Communist Chinese) Provincial officials, who enjoy substantial autonomy, often ignore environmental edicts, helping to reopen mines or factories closed by central authorities. Over all, enforcement is often tinged with corruption. This spring, officials in Yunnan Province in southern China beautified Laoshou Mountain, which had been used as a quarry, by spraying green paint over acres of rock. (p. 2 of 6) ...
Beijing also insists that it will accept no mandatory limits on its carbon dioxide emissions, which would almost certainly reduce its industrial growth. It argues that rich countries caused global warming and should find a way to solve it without impinging on China’s development....(p. 2 of 6)
"Senior leaders are either too timid to enforce their orders, or the fast-growth political culture they preside over is too entrenched to heed them....
China cannot go green, in other words, without political change....(p. 5 of 6, bottom)
"Today, a culture of collusion between government and business has made all but the most pro-growth government policies hard to enforce."...(p. 6 of 6. 2nd para.)
"Officials have rejected proposals to introduce surcharges on electricity and coal to reflect the true cost to the environment. The state still controls the price of fuel oil, including gasoline, subsidizing the cost of driving. (p. 6)
"Energy and environmental officials have little influence in the bureaucracy. The environmental agency still has only about 200 full-time employees, compared with
18,000 at the Environmental Protection Agency in the United States. "...
In Dec. 2010 at Cancun 'climate summit,' Communist China threatened to spew extra poisonous gas into the atmosphere if anyone messed with the hundreds of millions in profits it's making via UN CDM deals. (near end of Yale 360 piece)
12/13/10, "‘Perverse’ CO2 Payments Send Flood of Money to China," by Mark Schapiro, Yale Environment 360
"The controversy over hfc’s came to a head at the climate negotiations in Cancun last week (Dec. 2010). Last Tuesday, Chen Huan, deputy director of China’s CDM Fund, the recipient of the hfc tax revenues, denounced the attempts to reduce the use of hfc credits as “irresponsible,” and attacked the calculations on which they are based as “implausible” and lacking in documentation. He threatened that Chinese industries
12/13/10, "‘Perverse’ CO2 Payments Send Flood of Money to China," by Mark Schapiro, Yale Environment 360
"The controversy over hfc’s came to a head at the climate negotiations in Cancun last week (Dec. 2010). Last Tuesday, Chen Huan, deputy director of China’s CDM Fund, the recipient of the hfc tax revenues, denounced the attempts to reduce the use of hfc credits as “irresponsible,” and attacked the calculations on which they are based as “implausible” and lacking in documentation. He threatened that Chinese industries
- would vent hfc gases without government controls if the
"To offset their own carbon emissions, European companies have been wildly overpaying China to incinerate a powerful greenhouse gas known as hfc 23. And in a bizarre twist, those payments have spurred the manufacture of a harmful refrigerant that is being smuggled into the U.S. and used illegally. European legislators in Brussels
have discovered that the strategy they devised to combat climate
change is helping subsidize the economy of their, and America’s, major
global competitor — China."...
Europe's emissions trading system is effectively dead. Translation: Get some fake but scary CO2 terror propaganda out there so bankrupt US taxpayers will be scared into bailing out Europe's failed "climate" policy/the UK monarchy:
4/16/13, "Below junk status," The Economist
"EUROPE’S flagship environmental policy has just been holed below the water line. On April 16th the European Parliament voted by 334 to 315 to reject proposals which (its supporters claimed) were needed to save the emissions-trading system (ETS) from collapse. Carbon prices promptly fell 40% (see chart). Some environmentalists fear that the whole edifice of European climate policy could start to crumble."...
4/16/13, "Below junk status," The Economist
"EUROPE’S flagship environmental policy has just been holed below the water line. On April 16th the European Parliament voted by 334 to 315 to reject proposals which (its supporters claimed) were needed to save the emissions-trading system (ETS) from collapse. Carbon prices promptly fell 40% (see chart). Some environmentalists fear that the whole edifice of European climate policy could start to crumble."...
Prince Charles has re-worked the monarchy's income stream. It will greatly rely on income from offshore wind turbine lease payments. He needs US government, media, and academia to keep selling CO2 terror to the masses even though US CO2
emissions have plunged and are heading lower. China is in
charge of global CO2:
12/31/10, "One's in the money! Why Prince Charles's secret 20-year campaign could make him the richest king in history," UK Daily Mail, G. Levy
12/31/10, "One's in the money! Why Prince Charles's secret 20-year campaign could make him the richest king in history," UK Daily Mail, G. Levy
10/24/10, "Queen's £38m a year windfarm windfall," Christopher Leake, Martin Delgado, thisismoneyuk
"'It is wholly inappropriate that the Palace should have such a direct interest in a subject like windfarms, given Prince Charles's obsession with renewable energy. It raises the question as to whether he is seeking to increase his own
"'It is wholly inappropriate that the Palace should have such a direct interest in a subject like windfarms, given Prince Charles's obsession with renewable energy. It raises the question as to whether he is seeking to increase his own
each time he makes a favourable reference to wind power.'"
4/16/13, "EU Refuses to Resuscitate Its Dying Carbon Market," Walter Russell Mead
"The European Parliament just voted down a measure that would have attempted to revive its carbon market, likely dooming it to a slow and undignified death. This was a last-ditch effort to drive the EU’s carbon price back to a level that would incentivize green reforms. And it failed....
The EU has been the global laboratory testing the green agenda to see how it works. Today’s story means that the guinea pig died; the most important piece of green intervention in world history has become an expensive and embarrassing flop. It’s hard to exaggerate the importance of this for environmentalists everywhere; if the EU can’t make the green agenda work, it’s unlikely that anybody else will give it a try." via Tom Nelson
"The European Parliament just voted down a measure that would have attempted to revive its carbon market, likely dooming it to a slow and undignified death. This was a last-ditch effort to drive the EU’s carbon price back to a level that would incentivize green reforms. And it failed....
The EU has been the global laboratory testing the green agenda to see how it works. Today’s story means that the guinea pig died; the most important piece of green intervention in world history has become an expensive and embarrassing flop. It’s hard to exaggerate the importance of this for environmentalists everywhere; if the EU can’t make the green agenda work, it’s unlikely that anybody else will give it a try." via Tom Nelson
UK Royal Society Publishing website says 'planned economic contraction' must happen to avoid 'dangerous climate change'
"↵36 In essence, a planned economic contraction to bring about the almost immediate and radical reductions necessary to avoid the 2°C characterization of dangerous climate change whilst allowing time for the almost complete penetration of all economic sectors with zero or very low carbon technologies." via TallBloke, via Tom Nelson
11/30/2009, "'Planned recession' could avoid catastrophic climate change," UK Telegraph, Louise Gray
"Britain will have to stop building airports, switch to electric cars and shut down coal-fired power stations as part of a 'planned recession' to avoid dangerous climate change."...
Europe's carbon trading system hasn't helped the planet and cost citizens a fortune:
"SWISS banking giant UBS says the European Union's emissions trading scheme has cost the continent's consumers $287 billion for "almost zero impact" on cutting carbon emissions."...EU CO2 trading provided "windfall profits" to participants paid for by "electricity customers.""
UK Guardian urges US to pass "carbon tax" for "geo-political impact:"
12/1/12, "America's carbon tax offers a lesson to the rest of the planet on fighting climate change," UK Guardian, Henry Porter
"But the lobbyists don't have much time, if this is to be part of the budget deal, and it is now well understood that $500bn in budget cuts represents about a million American jobs....
The vital point is that a price on carbon in the US will have a dramatic geopolitical impact."...
In November 2012, Obama took 'climate action' by giving $6 billion US taxpayer dollars to the Sultan of Brunei who owns 5000+ cars and to the Pres. of Indonesia, a country so corrupt even the World Bank says crime adds 20% to costs. Below, one of the Sultan's cars:
7/24/12, "The Sultan's Cars," wheel to wheel blog.
- ============================
China responsible for most growth in world CO2 emissions, Reuters: "China's surging (greenhouse gas) emissions were responsible for most of the global growth (in 2011)."...
4/26/13, "Industrialized nations' greenhouse gas emissions dipped in 2011," Reuters
"Industrialized nations' greenhouse gas emissions dipped 0.7 percent in 2011, helped by a U.S. shift from high-polluting coal in power plants and by Europe's economic slowdown, data compiled by Reuters showed on Friday.
For many years it has been a mantra that rich nations, historically the top polluters, should make the biggest cuts in emissions while emerging economies could burn more energy to help lift them from poverty.
But figures based on submissions by 42 industrialized nations this month used to judge compliance with U.N treaties underscore how continued worldwide growth in emissions is increasingly led by China and other emerging economies....
The unexpectedly rapid rise of emissions in China and other emerging economies such as India and Brazil in recent years is pushing up global emissions and complicating talks among 200 nations on a new U.N. accord aiming to slow climate change....
World emissions from fossil fuels and cement grew by 3 percent in 2011 and by 2.6 percent in 2012.
It says China's surging emissions were responsible for most of the global growth."...
Prince Charles and UK government directly pitch US lawmakers on man-caused global warming. In 2009, Prince Charles addressed Texas politicians via video about CO2 terror:
4/3/12, "Rick Perry criticises UK initiative to influence US climate sceptics," UK Guardian, Leo Hickman
In 2009, the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) gave £13,673 to the US-based Environmental Defense Fund (EDF) to part-fund a project entitled "Influencing climate security policy and legislation in Texas", the Guardian has learned. The money was used to fly two Texan state politicians, including the climate sceptic Republican Troy Fraser, to the UK to receive a briefing with climate scientists and government officials. A conference was also held at the Texas Capitol in Austin in which a video of Prince Charles personally addressing Texan politicians on the subject of climate change was shown.
With "reputation insurance" purchased from the Sierra Club, Mayor Bloomberg is seen as a planetary savior rather than the single biggest polluter in New York City:
2/14/11, “Flight records uncover elusive Mayor’s tracks,” WSJ, Maremont, McGinty, Saul
"The records also show that the Bloomberg fleet has been the single largest user of scarce slots allocated to private aircraft at La Guardia airport. The flights continued apace even after the mayor two years ago called for curbs on small commercial planes at La Guardia and other area airports to reduce congestion. ...
A billionaire, Mr. Bloomberg also owns vacation homes in London and Vail, Colo., and enjoys playing golf in various locales....
Bloomberg planes departed or landed 853 times between August 2008 and the end of 2010. That is 8% of all general aviation movements at La Guardia during that period....
Mr. Loeser declined to comment on any conflict between Mr. Bloomberg’s public stance on airport congestion and the number of Bloomberg Services flights at La Guardia.“
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