5/14/13, "The Guardian’s Suzanne Goldenberg takes a fossil fueled trip to a remote Alaskan village to tell us recent global warming caused it to sink – but that’s not the cause," Anthony Watts, WUWT
“America’s First Climate Refugees” are actually a victim of a poorly executed previous government relocation program in 1959 and a change in ocean patterns in 1976."...
5/15/13, "Record cold continues in Interior Alaska," newsminer.com, Tim Mowry
"More cold temperature records fell at several locations around the Interior on Tuesday morning, though not in Fairbanks, and more may fall today as the result of a cold air mass that is holding spring hostage in much of the state.
Eielson Air Force Base recorded a temperature of 22 degrees Tuesday morning, breaking the record of 26 set in 1954. The College Observatory at the University of Alaska Fairbanks had a low temperature of 21 degrees, which broke the old mark of 24 set in 1964.
In Bettles, 250 miles north of Fairbanks, the low of 11 degrees shattered the record of 22 degrees set in 1986. Galena saw a temperature of 13 degrees, breaking the record of 16 in 1965.
The low temperature of 23 degrees at Fairbanks International Airport fell 2 degrees shy of tying the record of 21 set in 1913.
The cold temperatures are the result of a cold air mass that moved into Alaska on Sunday night and that has remained over the northern part of the state for the past two days.
Record or near-record cold temperatures were expected again Tuesday night and this morning, but things should gradually begin to warm up later today, said meteorologist Ed Plumb at the National Weather Service in Fairbanks. Highs today should get into the mid-40s, and high temperatures on Thursday are expected to be in the low to mid-50s.
A chinook moving through the Alaska Range could bring even warmer temperatures Friday, but they will be short-lived. More cold air is forecast to move into the area from the west Friday night, dropping the high temperatures back into the 40s during the weekend, Plumb said. The cold air mixed with the chinook could produce some rain or snow Friday night or Saturday.
The good news is that early next week it should start to warm up to more normal temperatures, which at this time of year are 60 degrees for a high and 37 for a low.
Fairbanks set a record low of 22 degrees Monday, and temperatures in many spots in the northern and western Interior failed to climb above freezing Monday. In Bettles, which set a record low of 10 degrees Monday, the high temperature was only 27 above, which was the latest occurrence ever recorded with an afternoon temperature in the 20s.
Fairbanks also set a new record for the coldest high temperature at the airport Monday with a high temperature of 37 degrees. That broke the record of 40 set in 1937.
Other record low maximum temperature records were reported at Galena (31), Tanana (34) and Eielson Air Force Base (38).
Fairbanks avoided another record cold high temperature Tuesday when the high temperature at the airport hit 40 degrees, surpassing the record of 39 degrees in 1937." via Tom Nelson
Alaska cooled -2.4F in the past decade which scientists say is "a large value for a decade:"
As of Dec. 2012: "The mean cooling of the average of all stations was 1.3°C (2.4) for the decade, a large value for a decade."...
2012, The First Decade of the New Century: A Cooling Trend for Most of Alaska," G. Wendler*, L. Chen and B. Moore
Alaska Climate Research Center, Geophysical Institute, University of Alaska, Fairbanks, AK 99775, USA
"We analyzed the temperature change of the first decade of the 21st century for Alaska, both for annual and seasonal values. For this study we used all first order meteorological stations in Alaska, which are operated by professional meteorologist of the National Weather Service (NOAA).
There are 20 such stations, fairly well distributed over the
different climatic zones of Alaska [1]. We limited our
investigation to these stations, as all of these have similar or
identical in instrumentation and operational procedures. In
Fig. (1) the location of these stations is given.
There are many more climate stations operating in
Alaska, run by different federal, state and local entities as
well as by the industry and private individuals. The quality
of these stations is mixed, but it should not be taken as an
indication that all of these are of poor quality....
1926 was the warmest year ever recorded not only in Fairbanks, but also in
Sitka (southeastern Alaska) and Barrow (northern Alaska),
for which stations the data are available. The mean decadal
temperatures of Fairbanks show for the 1980’s the highest
value (-1.94°C) followed by the 1920’s (-2.39°C) and 1990’s
(-2.59°C). Further, a sudden temperature increase in Alaska
was recorded starting in 1977 [5], seemingly driven by the
change in polarity of the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO)
Index [6], which went from dominantly negative before 1977
to dominantly positive values after that year. An update
version of the temperature trend for the mean of the 20
Alaskan first order stations is presented in Fig. (2), showing
that the temperature increase was non-linear. Besides the
strong temperature increase starting in 1977, on which
Hartmann and Wendler [5] reported, a cooling trend in the
2nd half of the first decade of the new century is clearly visible.
At this time it cannot be decided whether this is a
climatic shift during the first decade of the 21st century or if
it represents decadal-interdecadal variability."..
"The 49th state has long been labeled one of the fastest-warming spots on the planet. But that's so 20th Century."
12/23/12, "Forget global warming, Alaska is headed for an ice age," Alaska Dispatch, Alex DeMarban
"The 49th state has long been labeled one of the fastest-warming spots on the planet. But that's so 20th Century.
The 49th state has long been labeled one of the fastest-warming spots on the planet. But that's so 20th Century. In the first decade since 2000, the 49th state cooled 2.4 degrees Fahrenheit.
The nation's icebox is getting even icier. That may not be news to Alaskans coping with another round of 50-below during the coldest winter in two decades, or to the mariners locked out of the Bering Sea this spring by record ice growth."...
Feb. and March 2012 Bering Sea ice broke records:
NSIDC announced record ice in Bering Sea in March 2012 (scroll down for Bering Sea citation):
"High ice extent in the Bering Sea
In the Bering Sea, off Alaska, ice extent reached a record high for the month of March. Persistent winds pushed the sea ice southward and froze more seawater into ice.".
NASA, NSIDC: "February 2012 had the highest ice extent for the area since satellite records started."... earthobservatory.nasa.gov
"For most of the winter of 2011–2012, the Bering Sea has been choking with sea ice. Though ice obviously forms there every year, the cover has been unusually extensive this season. In fact, the past several months have included the second highest ice extent in the satellite record for the Bering Sea region, according to the National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC)....
NSIDC data indicate that ice extent in the Bering Sea for most of this winter has been between 20 to 30 percent above the 1979 to 2000 average. February 2012 had the highest ice extent for the area since satellite records started."...
Nov. 2011 Washington Post, record breaking cold in Alaska interior:
11/17/11, "Record smashing cold in interior Alaska, Fairbanks," Washington Post, J, Samenow
"A frigid Arctic air mass, unusual even by Alaska standards, is dropping the mercury in the state’s interior to unheard of levels in mid-November. Stunningly low temperatures in the -35 to -50 range have gripped the region since Tuesday. These temperatures are some 25 to 40 degrees colder than average.
This morning, Fairbanks airport dropped to 40 below zero, breaking the old record of 39 below. That’s after setting a record low of 35 below Tuesday morning, breaking the old record of 33 below from 1956. Wednesday’s low of -39 just missed 1969’s record of -41.
Eielson Air Force Base in Fairbanks dropped to an incredible 42 below Wednesday morning, shattering the old record of 37 below set in 1956. This morning, it dropped to 42 below again, setting another new record low. The average low is -7."...
Nov. 2005, "The Significance of the 1976 Pacific Climate Shift in the Climatology of Alaska," BRIAN HARTMANN AND GERD WENDLER, Geophysical Institute, University of Alaska, Fairbanks, Fairbanks, Alaska
(Manuscript received 20 April 2004, in final form 25 February 2005)
Introduction: "In 1976, the North Pacific region, including
Alaska, underwent a dramatic shift to a climate regime
that saw great increases in winter and spring temperatures,
and lesser increases in summer and autumn, when compared to
the previous 25 yr."...It is shown that a significant amount of
the warming trend seen throughout Alaska during the last half
of the twentieth century is largely a result of the sudden shift in
1976. The temperature trends of the 25-yr climate
periods that correspond to opposite phases of the Pacific
decadal oscillation before and after the shift are not
uniform, most often indicating cooling, and may con-
tradict some ideas about long-term climate change as it
relates to Alaska insofar as all of the regions in sub-
Arctic Alaska have experienced a net cooling since
The CO2 terror industry prematurely claimed Alaska was "proof" of its multi-trillion dollar theory. It would be one thing if Suzanne Goldenberg and her friends bet their own money on catastrophe, but they didn't. They said it had to be taxpayers' money. And the US in a terrible depression. Unspeakable. This isn't about climate or even CO2. China opens a new coal mine every week (subhead carbon tax). If Suzanne Goldenberg and her friends really feared for the planet, they'd be meeting with the Communist Chinese government on a daily basis.
US CO2 drop " game changing at the global level.”:
6/4/12, “Climate change stunner: USA leads world in CO2 cuts since 2006,” Vancouver Observer, Saxifrage

“Not only that, but as my top chart shows, US CO2 emissions are falling even faster than what President Obama pledged in the global Copenhagen Accord.…
Here is the biggest shocker of all: the average American’s CO2 emissions are down to levels not seen since 1964 --over half a century ago. …Coal is the number two source of CO2 for Americans. Today the average American burns an amount similar to what they did in 1955, and even less than they did in the 1940s. …It is exactly America’s historical role of biggest and dirtiest that makes their sharp decline in CO2 pollution so noteworthy and potentially game changing at the global level.”...
Joe Biden: The Rolling Stone Interview | Politics News | Rolling Stone (5/9/13)
"[Q] You mentioned a carbon tax. Is the Obama administration going to follow the lead of China and propose such a policy?
[Biden] The truth is, right now, no, because we know it will go nowhere. Look, one of the things we are doing, and the president is asking me to kind of get ahead of here, is that we have a real chance, both in this hemisphere and with China, to enter into joint ventures on renewable energy and on cleaner-burning natural gas. Let me give you an example: The Chinese are building something like one new coal-fired plant a week – a week. So pick the biggest coal-fired plant you know around here that's spewing pollution, and they're building them every week, and they've been doing that for the last six or seven years."
5/9/13, "Joe Biden: The Rolling Stone Interview, " by Douglas Brinkley. "The vice president on guns, global warming and why he's "the last guy in the room" on every decision Obama makes."
Further refutation of Suzanne Goldenberg's terror claim of Alaska CO2 "climate refugees:"
5/14/13, "Note to warmists David Appell and Suzane Goldenberg: Alaskan beach erosion was documented decades before the global warming signal allegedly emerged from the noise," Tom Nelsom
Quark Soup by David Appell: America's First Climate Refugees
Deny this: [Appell links to a typical Suzanne Goldenberg CO2 sob story about allegedly CO2-induced erosion]World Climate Report » Settling on an unstable Alaskan shore: A warning unheeded
In earlier times, when the Inuit were more nomadic, they simply would have broken camp and moved to a more suitable location. In fact, the historical scientific literature contains references to abandoned Inuit camps located on the precipices of an eroding coast. For instance, Gerald MacCarthy, in an article published in Arctic in 1953 entitled “Recent Change in the Shoreline Near Point Barrow, Alaska” wrote:Flashback
At ‘Nuwuk’ [Point Barrow] the evidence of rapid retreat is especially striking. The abandoned native village of the same name, which formerly occupied most of the area immediately surrounding the station site, is being rapidly eaten away by the retreat of the bluff and in October 1949 the remains of four old pit dwellings, then partially collapsed and filled with solid ice, were exposed in cross section in the face of the bluff. In 1951 these four dwellings had been completely eroded away and several more exposed.
1989: Stephen Schneider wrote, "I strongly suspect that by the year 2000 increasing numbers of people will point to the 1980s as the time the global warming signal emerged from the natural background of climatic noise""
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