Joe Biden: The Rolling Stone Interview | Politics News | Rolling Stone (5/9/13)
5/9/13, "Joe Biden: The Rolling Stone Interview," by Douglas Brinkley
[Q] You mentioned a carbon tax. Is the Obama administration going to follow the lead of China and propose such a policy?--------------------------------------------------------------
[Biden] The truth is, right now, no, because we know it will go nowhere. Look, one of the things we are doing, and the president is asking me to kind of get ahead of here, is that we have a real chance, both in this hemisphere and with China, to enter into joint ventures on renewable energy and on cleaner-burning natural gas. Let me give you an example: The Chinese are building something like one new coal-fired plant a week – a week. So pick the biggest coal-fired plant you know around here that's spewing pollution, and they're building them every week, and they've been doing that for the last six or seven years.
The Chinese have figured out that they have a giant environmental problem. Folks in Beijing, some days, literally can't breathe. Over a million Chinese die prematurely every year because of air pollution. And the pollution generated in China is choking us, not just the Chinese. One of the examples I used on the campaign trail last year was that after the Japanese tsunami, we had huge chunks of cement, chunks of piers, washing up on the beach in Oregon. If the current can carry that stuff across the ocean, imagine what's coming across in the atmosphere. So we have a great opportunity here to figure out how we can not only begin to wean ourselves off of carbon-based fuels but wean the world off of them too."" via Climate Depot
5/9/13, "Joe Biden: The Rolling Stone Interview," by Douglas Brinkley
"The vice president on guns, global warming and why he's "the last guy in the room" on every decision Obama makes."
Global CO2 increased
from 2005-2011 because China was up 60%, North America and Europe lowered
CO2. Western politicians cause their countries' growth to be harmed, impoverish poor and middle class citizens in the name of CO2. China and others negate sacrifices made by millions. The merry-go-round continues. How is this not a decades long massive criminal fraud?
5/8/13, "Jack Mintz: Canada unfairly Gored," Financial Post opinion
"Al Gore likened Alberta’s oil sands to an “open sewer” that contributes “to the reckless spewing of pollution into the Earth’s atmosphere.”
The proof, however, is in the statistics rather than political conjecture. Compiled by the U.S. Energy Information Administration, energy-related carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, accounting for almost 85% of greenhouse gas emissions, have grown worldwide by 15% from 2005 to 2011. This must surely be depressing to many climatologists who wish to see concerted global action to reduce carbon emissions. It is so far off reduction targets, it is almost laughable....
Carbon emissions coming from the emerging countries swamp trends from advanced countries in North America and Europe. China alone has increased carbon emissions by almost 60% from 2005 to 2011. The absolute increase in metric tons is three times more than all the reduction that has taken place in all of Canada, Europe, Japan and the United States. Add India and Russia to China and CO2 emissions have increased by four billion metric tons in six years time....
Despite the efforts in the advance countries to reduce GHG emissions, their efforts are swamped by the huge increase of such emissions in emerging economies. If climate policies have any effect, they must be achievable at the global level. It makes little sense for advanced countries to take on policies that hurt their own economic growth if environmental benefits are unattainable.
Such failure seems to be the case with China, Russia and others where carbon emissions are sharply on the rise. It is almost as if the Western countries are digging ditches, only to see them filled up by emerging countries following up from behind." via Tom Nelson
5/8/13, "Jack Mintz: Canada unfairly Gored," Financial Post opinion
"Al Gore likened Alberta’s oil sands to an “open sewer” that contributes “to the reckless spewing of pollution into the Earth’s atmosphere.”
The proof, however, is in the statistics rather than political conjecture. Compiled by the U.S. Energy Information Administration, energy-related carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, accounting for almost 85% of greenhouse gas emissions, have grown worldwide by 15% from 2005 to 2011. This must surely be depressing to many climatologists who wish to see concerted global action to reduce carbon emissions. It is so far off reduction targets, it is almost laughable....
Carbon emissions coming from the emerging countries swamp trends from advanced countries in North America and Europe. China alone has increased carbon emissions by almost 60% from 2005 to 2011. The absolute increase in metric tons is three times more than all the reduction that has taken place in all of Canada, Europe, Japan and the United States. Add India and Russia to China and CO2 emissions have increased by four billion metric tons in six years time....
Despite the efforts in the advance countries to reduce GHG emissions, their efforts are swamped by the huge increase of such emissions in emerging economies. If climate policies have any effect, they must be achievable at the global level. It makes little sense for advanced countries to take on policies that hurt their own economic growth if environmental benefits are unattainable.
Such failure seems to be the case with China, Russia and others where carbon emissions are sharply on the rise. It is almost as if the Western countries are digging ditches, only to see them filled up by emerging countries following up from behind." via Tom Nelson
6/4/12, “Climate change stunner: USA leads world in CO2 cuts since 2006,” Vancouver Observer, Saxifrage

“Not only that, but as my top chart shows, US CO2 emissions are falling even faster than what President Obama pledged in the global Copenhagen Accord."…

“Not only that, but as my top chart shows, US CO2 emissions are falling even faster than what President Obama pledged in the global Copenhagen Accord."…
News of US CO2 plunge has been described as:
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