5/8/13, "Mark Sanford's New Integrity Test," Huffington Post, William S. Becker, Executive Director, Presidential Climate Action Project
Bob Inglis is cited in this article as a "Republican" who was removed from congress by voters 3 years ago (in 2010) due in part to his views on the notion of US human CO2 induced global warming. The author says Inglis lost his job "after he acknowledged the reality of global warming," but the author is misinformed if he thinks that. Among other things, Inglis "proposed a carbon tax bill in the last Congress" (that ended in 2010). There's no evidence a carbon tax improves climate anywhere it's been tried, but such a tax is sometimes mentioned by geniuses when discussing climate, government deficits, or the all-important "geo-political impact." Inglis promoted the tax at a time of massive economic depression and suffering in the United States for which there remains no end in sight. It borders on insanity to suggest a carbon tax for any reason.
In paragraph 7, Mr. Becker, a climate executive, states Inglis "now runs a project to persuade conservatives that there are ideologically pure ways to deal with global warming."
Is it ideologically pure that dirty oil money is behind Inglis' project? Fossil fuel billionaire David Rockefeller finances the "project" with which Inglis and others are involved and which aims "to promote carbon taxes as a ‘Republican idea’," ie, to fool and pre-empt citizens and influence government to benefit billionaire bullies and those seeking the green limelight:
7/13/12, "George Shultz Endorses Carbon Tax – You Were Surprised?" GlobalWarming.org, Marlo Lewis
"But there has always been a wing of the GOP — the “establishment,” “Country Club,” or “Rockefeller” Republicans — who care more about controlling the party than about advancing liberty or even about winning elections. AEI’s Ken Green (a colleague of Hassett’s) hits the nail on the head. In a story on Shultz’s endorsement of carbon taxes, Green told Climatewire: (subscrip):
“There seems to be an eruption of conservatives — very moderate-seeming conservatives, non-tea party, old country club-style conservatives — who are suddenly enamored of carbon tax,” said Kenneth Green, a resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute.
“I think this is mostly vanity and egotism on the part of these people who are coming forward, to try and reassert the Republican establishment over the tea party revolution,” he added. “I wouldn’t be surprised if we have more of these guys weigh in.”(begin parag. 11)...
As noted here, earlier this week, former Rep. Bob Inglis (R-S.C.) launched a new institute with Rockefeller Family Fund backing [oil money] to promote carbon taxes as a ‘Republican idea.’ Inglis said nothing to suggest that he views carbon taxes as an alternative to EPA’s greenhouse gas regulations, or that one of his objectives is to rein in the agency and return control over climate policy to the people’s representatives."
Fossil fuel billionaire David Rockefeller can spend millions to sell CO2 as a political issue, further fool people into thinking either an alleged Republican or a conservative likes the idea, when the whole point is to force change on the United States government desired by Mr. Rockefeller. Mr. Inglis is incidental in this matter.
The article uses the terms "Republican" and "conservative" interchangeably in connection with Mr. Inglis but the terms mean two different things. "Republicans" and "democrats" are closer to each other in meaning today than "Republicans" and "conservatives." Unfortunately, no political party today represents right of center Americans. For his part, Mr. Becker believes deeply that right of center people can't distinguish between scientific fact and ideology or don't want to.
This is the group Bob Inglis and others are affiliated with:
"Energy and Enterprise Initiative
A part of the Center for Climate Change Communication at
George Mason University."
Mr. Becker, the US is taking climate "action:"
In November 2012, Obama took 'climate action' by giving $6 billion US taxpayer dollars to the Sultan of Brunei who owns 5000+ cars and to the Pres. of Indonesia, a country so corrupt even the World Bank says crime adds 20% to costs. Below, one of the Sultan's cars:
7/24/12, "The Sultan's Cars," wheel to wheel blog.
David Rockefeller Fund merges with Bill McKibben CO2 activist group:
4/21/11, “1Sky and 350.org: Stronger as One,” rbf.org, Rockefeller Brothers Fund, Jessica Bailey
“This month marked the exciting marriage of 1Sky and 350.org—two grantees of the Rockefeller Brothers Fund’s Sustainable Development program.”…
Forbes profile, David Rockefeller, Sr., net worth “$2.5 billion,” “Source of Wealth: Standard Oil, Banking”
Rockefeller money finances Inglis:
7/11/12, "AEI Hosts Fifth Secret Meeting to Promote Carbon Tax," GlobalWarming.org, Marlo Lewis
"Inglis obtained funding for the project from the Rockefeller Family Fund and the Energy Foundation, both left-leaning foundations....Left-right coalitions can be principled and desirable....
But such cases are the exception rather than the rule. In general, when left and right join forces, the appropriate question is: Who is duping whom?"...
The article also ignores scientific data that US CO2 emissions have dropped steadily since at least 2006 and are going lower, that China's CO2 is skyrocketing, is expected to go higher, that 1000 new coal plants are opening around the world with banks in line to finance them.
6/4/12, “Climate change stunner: USA leads world in CO2 cuts since 2006,” Vancouver Observer, Saxifrage

“Not only that, but as my top chart shows, US CO2 emissions are falling even faster than what President Obama pledged in the global Copenhagen Accord."…
News of US CO2 plunge has been described as:
- “Surprising,“
- “little noticed,“
- “dramatic,“
- “stunner,“
- “most people are surprised to learn,“
- “quiet but tremendous progress,”
- “major long term implications,”
- “game changing,”
- “shocker,”
- “huge contrast to the forecast.”
UBS Bank says Europe's carbon trading program is a $287 billion 'waste' that's had 'almost zero impact' on cutting CO2, and gave windfall profits to corporations:
11/23/11, "Europe's $287 billion carbon 'waste': UBS report," The Australian, by Sid Maher
"SWISS banking giant UBS says the European Union's emissions trading scheme has cost the continent's consumers $287 billion for "almost zero impact" on cutting carbon emissions."...EU CO2 trading provided "windfall profits" to participants paid for by "electricity customers.""
Governments use carbon trading money to meet general expenses:
5/30/11, "Exclusive: EU energy plan threatens carbon billions," Reuters, Pete Harrison
"The Europe Union's carbon market could be flooded with excess pollution permits over the next decade, cutting prices in half and depriving governments of billions in budgeted revenues, EU sources say....
It is not clear, however, whether European governments will support measures that would erode carbon prices, which would put a severe dent in budgeted government revenues in 2013-2020."...
UK Guardian urges US to pass "carbon tax" for "geo-political impact:"
12/1/12, "America's carbon tax offers a lesson to the rest of the planet on fighting climate change," UK Guardian, Henry Porter
"But the lobbyists don't have much time, if this is to be part of the budget deal, and it is now well understood that $500bn in budget cuts represents about a million American jobs....
The vital point is that a price on carbon in the US will have a dramatic geopolitical impact."...
This is what happened to the Republican Party:
Nov. 7, 2012, "Hoisted By Their Own Petards," theMonicaPerezShow
"Whenever I ask myself, “What were the Republicans thinking?” I find the answer in the immortal collection of essays by Irving Kristol, Neo-Conservatism: The Autobiography of an Idea. In that book, Kristol lays out his grand plan for how the Republicans can truly achieve immense power in the United States, but that to do so will mean abandoning principles of fiscal conservatism and balanced budgets and
embracing the “conservative welfare state.”
Kristol further instructs that in matters of economics and foreign policy, the people aren’t to be listened to (as democratically elected politicians sometimes mistakenly believe), rather they are to be led because they are ignorant of these matters and they know it. In addition, Kristol and his associates guided the New Right to create a budget crisis by implementing socialist policies to compete with those of the left and to use this crisis to force the public to choose between traditional socialism and market-based social engineering. Well, the people have chosen: If you’re going to have a welfare state, let the left run it–after all, you can’t beat a guy at his own game."...
2/20/13, "As Country Club Republicans Link Up With The Democratic Ruling Class, Millions Of Voters Are Orphaned," Angelo Codevilla, Forbes
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