How many IPCC 'lead authors' are we flying in?
A Nov. 2012 IPCC report said "281 lead authors" met in Spain. 281 flights in Nov., perhaps in Dec., and now again in Jan. There are likely additional interested parties and staff for these meetings whose expenses are also paid by the UN and therefore by the US taxpayer. Where are budgets and expense reports for these meetings? Since we're broke ourselves, we'd like to know:
November 2012, "Experts from 56 countries gather in Vigo (Spain) to work on the next IPCC Assessment Report on Climate Change," IPCC, "Working Group III, Mitigation of Climate Change":
"281 lead authors and review editors will participate in the meetings of the Working Group III of the IPCC."...
12/14/12, "IPCC critical of climate change report leak," BBC, David Shukman
"Climate scientists, reacting to the leak, have condemned the "cherry picking" of this one point in a long report and have said that other sections reinforce the central argument about the cause of climate change. In any event, the text faces several further stages of possible revision before publication late next year.
A meeting of lead authors in Tasmania next month will be the next chance to review all the latest comments."...
The UN IPCC couldn't survive without wages of hard working Americans which are confiscated from them and funneled to unelected UN jet setters. If the planet is dying why do IPCC personnel and entourages constantly fly all over the world belching fumes instead of using teleconferencing?
1/3/12, ""U.S. Taxpayers Cover Nearly Half the Cost of U.N.’s Global Warming Panel," CNS News, E. Harrington
We're not the ones flying around the world. We're sitting home quietly turning our wages over to unelected persons at the UN who tell us we're selfish and "our lifestyles are 'unsustainable.'"

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