6/27/12, "Hell And High Water Strikes, Media Miss The Forest For The Burning Trees," Joe Romm, Think Progress
"If a tree burns down in a globally-warmed forest but the media doesn’t report why, does it make a sound?
Record-setting heat waves, wildfires, and deluges – at the same time — just what climate scientists have been forecasting for decades. That’s why I titled my 2006 book Hell and High Water....
Dr. Kevin Trenberth, former head of the Climate Analysis Section of the National Center for Atmospheric Research told the NY Times, “It’s not the right question to ask if this storm or that storm is due to global warming, or is it natural variability. Nowadays, there’s always an element of both.” At the same time,
- the wildfires in the west, which include the most destructive wildfire in Colorado history,
- are being fueled by climate change."...
(continuing, Joe Romm): "UPDATE: After flying over the Waldo Canyon blaze, Governor John Hickenlooper said:
“It was like looking at the worst movie set you could imagine. It’s almost surreal. You look at that, and it’s like nothing I’ve seen before.“..."...
[Ed. note: Romm gives tips on how the media can better render free advertising for his views:]
(continuing, Romm): "ABC now even has an “extreme weather team.” It would be great if they included some experts discussing how global warming has “juiced” the climate, as if it were on steroids, as, for instance, ClimateWire (subs. req’d) did in its story, “Minn. floods, early tropical storms fuel questions about changing climate”."...
[Ed. note: Romm thinks American caused CO2 poisoning requires much more than the 13 US federal agencies now working on the problem and even more billions in tax dollars from the few Americans left who have jobs with much of the cash shipped to foreign countries. Apparently he sees the Colorado fires as an American created crisis and one that must be exploited to for the purpose of advancing his personal views. Billions of US taxpayer dollars are diverted yearly and have been at minimum since 1990 when George Bush the First enacted the Global Change Act. Americans are broke, jobless, and looking at worse ahead, but Romm believes more needs to be taken from them. Nothing will change his mind about that:]
(continuing, Joe Romm): "Network News Coverage of Climate Change Collapsed in 2011
Trenberth on media miscoverage of extreme weather: “I find it systematically tends to get underplayed and it often gets underplayed by my fellow scientists. Because one of the opening statements, which I’m sure you’ve probably heard is “Well you can’t attribute a single event to climate change.” But there is a systematic influence on all of these weather events now-a-days because of the fact that there is this extra water vapor lurking around in the atmosphere than there used to be say 30 years ago. It’s about a 4% extra amount, it invigorates the storms, it provides plenty of moisture for these storms and
it’s unfortunate that the public is not associating these with the fact that this is one manifestation of climate change. And the prospects are that these kinds of things will only get bigger and worse in the future.”...
TracFone cell phone coverage map shows lack of cell phone service in wildfire areas:
Man fled the blaze he started, couldn't immediately report the fire because there was no cell phone service in the area (parag. 6):
5/19/12, "Feds say Colorado wildfire started on camp stove," AP, via CNS News
U.S. Forest Service investigators say the 56-year-old Weber, a mental health counselor at Colorado State University, tried to stamp out the fire Monday but then fled as the blaze spread. He later reported starting the fire to the Larimer County Sheriff's Office, officials said. There is no cell phone service in the area where the fire started."
8/24/11, "Feds charge 2 in devastating Wallow fire," AP, East Valley Tribune (Arizona)
2011's massive Arizona fire was set by humans and had nothing to do with CO2 poisoning. The two men ran away when they saw the fire raging from their abandoned campfire.

7/2/12, "Giant Wildfire Started During Bachelor Party," TheSmokingGun.com
"The largest wildfire burning in Arizona was started during a bachelor party when one shotgun-toting celebrant fired a shell that promises to shoot “100 feet of fire, setting everything in its path ablaze,” The Smoking Gun has learned. The Sunflower Fire--which has burned nearly 18,000 acres of the Tonto National Forest and is not fully contained--began in mid-May."...
Southwest US fires fed by undergrowth not 'climate change,' necessary thinning of forests has been legislated away by so-called environmentalists:
"On the Fort Apache Indian Reservation, where thinning is practiced, the tribal lands are in far better shape."
6/5/12, "Politician should check her research," Las Vegas Sun, Letter to the Editor, Sanford Cohen, Prescott, Ariz.
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