George Soros gave Ivanka's husband's business a $250 million credit line in 2015 per WSJ. Soros is also an investor in Jared's business.

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Targets of media destruction usually sit there and take it, modify their views, or disappear. By firing back and putting them off balance, Trump has allowed media to reveal what they've been all along-left wing activists-Rush Limbaugh, 6/28/17

6/28/17, "The Trump Administration Calls Out the Fake News," Rush Limbaugh

"Back in the late eighties, mid- to late eighties, a man named Laurence Tisch bought CBS....Mr. Tisch was the Tisch family of New York, the Loews hotel chain and a number of other things. They are now half owners of the New York Giants. Laurence Tisch’s brother is Robert and son Steve.
And Larry Tisch was looking at CBS after he bought it and he looked at the news division and he saw that it was just bleeding money. He said (paraphrasing), “We can’t continue to operate CBS. If we’re gonna have a division here this prominent that’s losing this amount of money we ought to fix it.” And he immediately proposed eliminating several jobs, staff cuts....

Dan Rather went absolutely loco weed. Dan Rather went nuts. Dan Rather went public and said (paraphrasing), “We in news, we in journalism cannot be concerned with the bottom line. We should not be held to any profit-and-loss standard. Our job is too important, our mission is too sacred to have it dominated by such pedantic things as profit and loss. We need, as the news division, to be exempt from any of this. We demand that Laurence Tisch and CBS forget whatever money is involved, because our mission is too crucial.”...

Thirty years ago, “We need to be exempt. We can’t be tied to such meaningless things as profit and loss. Our mission’s too important,” to now focusing on nothing but ratings and profit and earning money as the excuse for not letting go of a hoax....

In fact, I’m gonna tell you a little something else. You know, back in the Walter Cronkite days and the Edward R. Murrow days, and the Huntley and Brinkley days, their buddies, their friends at the time always made fun of them, chastised them for working at networks that ran soap operas during the day.

Soap operas were considered to be the lowest rent. It’s like here you are the Tiffany Network with Walter Cronkite, CBS News, and you got trailer park trash on in the day. And they always said, Walter Cronkite, “That’s how we pay for the news division.” And of course their friends said, “Well, then that’s fine. If that trash is to fund the news division, fine.” Now all of a sudden news divisions are focused on profit and they’re focused on ratings. And the traditions of journalism used to be that that was so small-minded, irrelevant. Our mission is too important. Massive change....

But what’s happened since Trump, you could arguably say since he became a candidate and since he got the nomination, and then since he won the election...has totally blown every pretense that journalism lived by to smithereens. They have been forced into exposing who they really are. They’ve always been leftist activists. They have always been pro-Democrat by a vast, vast majority. And they’ve always gotten way with masking themselves under the cloak of fairness or objectivity....

They all think that you can’t criticize them. They are so far above and beyond that you can’t criticize them. What they’re doing is too important....They’re trying to hold truthful people accountable, and you can’t criticize them, you can’t, it’s unconstitutional, it’s undermining their precious responsibility. Well, the fact of the matter is Sarah Huckabee Sanders nor Donald Trump’s driving a wedge between the media and the people. The media have been doing that themselves for decades....

They don’t even know how to cover up what they do anymore. I think they’ve been stripped naked. I think Trump has got them so discombobulated and so disoriented that they themselves are being consumed with hatred and rage and they are frustrated now at their inability to get rid of the guy. They know if they really want to take somebody out, that they’ll probably be able to do it. In most causes the person they target will eventually say uncle and give up long before we’ve reached this point.... 

They’re not accustomed to their targets firing back. So that’s why they’re saying, “You can’t do that. We’re the fourth estate. You’re undermining the fourth estate. You are attacking the Constitution.” And of course it’s the exact opposite.

Where is it written that targets of media destruction have to sit there and take it?...

A lot of people think the media’s purpose is to destroy Republicans, destroy conservatives, and destroy their ideas and discredit them, that that’s the job. Look at the sycophantic way they dealt with Obama and they claim they’re just trying to do their jobs in there and ask the questions. They’re not doing anything of the sort. It’s being exposed and they don’t know how to deal with it....

The media’s objective is to build up Democrats, advance their agenda, and protect them while at the same time disparaging and ruining and impugning anything that’s in opposition to the Democrats. They’ve gotten so powerful, they are more powerful than the Democrat Party.

The Democrat Party’s losing elections. The media’s not up for election. The media is running the worldwide left-wing agenda. And part and parcel of that is destroying and impugning any opposition....

All Donald Trump is is the first president in our lifetimes to call ’em out. It’s risky to say that anybody in 2017’s doing something for the first time that’s never been done....There have to have been presidents in the history of this country who have fought with the media and called ’em names and taken it right to them. But in our lifetimes, we’ve not seen anything like this, particularly among Republicans. We’re used to them cowering. We’re used to them being fearful. We’re used to Republicans altering their stated policy objectives simply to avoid being criticized and destroyed by the media.

So that’s how we get Republicans for amnesty and Republicans for legalizing gay marriage and transgender bathrooms and all this stuff. This cultural upheaval, Republicans go along with it ’cause they’re scared to death of being ripped to shreds by the media for whatever. And Trump is the first guy to come along and call ’em on it, “Fake News, you’re making it up, you’re lying.” And all of the evidence is on Trump’s side.

The greatest example I can give you, James Comey has known from the beginning of whatever investigation you want to mention that Donald Trump has never been a suspect. James Comey, the FBI, everybody at the FBI, everybody Comey testified to before Congress, and everybody they were leaking to in the media has known since before January Donald Trump was not a suspect. They wouldn’t tell anybody.

In fact, they continued to lie and try to convince the American people that the investigation was solely about Trump, including Comey with his testimony! And Chuck Schumer knew all the while! Chuck Schumer saying we should stop the debate on Gorsuch. We ought not debate whether he gets on the court because Trump is being investigated here on the Russian collusion story. And all the while Schumer knew because he had been told that Trump was not a suspect.

What greater example of media malpractice do you need, and that’s not just media malpractice. That’s media malpractice that’s worked in coordination with the FBI and with the deep state, Obama embeds held over from his administration, and anybody you want to talk to in the media that’s been reporting this.

For a period of at least seven months, the people of this country have been lied to and have been misled into believing that Donald Trump is a focus, a target, a person of interest in a lie, something that has yet to be proven, that there was collusion with the Russians to tamper with the election. 

I don’t know who the media people think they are claiming that Trump’s out to get ’em, claiming that Trump’s disrupting their job, that Trump is preventing them from doing their jobs and asking their silly, fool questions? Look at what they have tried to do the past eight months. There’s not a term for it....
You want to talk about danger, trying to take out a duly elected president on a lie, a series of lies that you know are lies, that you’re trying to convince people are true. Everybody in the media knew, in the Washington media. Everybody who’s relevant in Congress knew. Even some of the Republicans knew! And nobody would go public and say, “Hey, wait a minute, Comey told us two months ago Trump’s not a subject.”...

The media has been trying to destroy Republicans and conservatives my entire career, long before Donald Trump came along. Trump is just the first guy to call them out on what they do and not back down from it. And then they say, “He’s got to stop tweeting. This is so unpresidential, he must stop.”"...


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