George Soros gave Ivanka's husband's business a $250 million credit line in 2015 per WSJ. Soros is also an investor in Jared's business.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Whistle-blowing scientist court case v UCLA to get his job back Monday AM in LA, Enstrom revealed fake science behind Calif. global warming laws including fake scientist with fake PhD -UPDATED

UPDATE, 3/30/13, "Encouraging News on UCLA Whistleblower’s Suit,"  Legal Insurrection, Leslie Eastman 

Commenter to above: "stevewhitemd | March 30, 2013 at 3:49 pm
"Enstrom may have a due process right to an accounting of how UCLA spent the research and grant funds
he brought into the university."  

That is interesting. For those who don’t know it, NIH and NSF grants are typically made to a university on behalf of a faculty person who submitted the application (in their language, the ‘principal investigator). These grants have two pieces:

a) the ‘direct’ costs; that is, the money to be spent on the project, which includes a portion of the faculty person’s salary, salaries of co-investigator faculty and staff, supplies, materials, equipment, travel and consultants

b) the ‘indirect’ costs; that is, money given to the university as a percentage of the direct costs, to be allocated for all the things a university needs to provide but can’t be measured easily. That includes maintenance, building funds, the library, the internet access and so on.

The indirect rate (that percentage) is negotiated by each university with NIH or NSF, and typically is 40 to 70%. So if I as a principal investigator get a $200,000 grant from NIH, my lab gets $200,000 and my dean gets another $80,000 to $140,000.

I bring all this up to ask a simple question: to which set of books will Prof. Enstrom have access? If the direct costs of his grants, he should already know those, as he declared those up front with NSF, and presumably (as principal investigator) he oversaw that spending. That’s part of the job of principal investigator.

But if the judge is giving him a look at the INDIRECT costs, oh, that will be interesting, and one that the Dean/Chancellor/President at UCLA will fight tooth and nail. They spend that money on all sort of things, and I’ll bet there is spending there that they’d just as soon keep to themselves.

My, my but a forensic expedition into indirect cost spending could bring about a settlement in the Professor’s favor very quickly — and quietly."


3/15/13, "Whistle-blowing Scientist Sues UCLA for His Job," Legal Insurrection, Leslie Eastman

"UCLA’s Dr. James Enstrom is one of my personal heroes of the “Tea Party” movement.

The importance of his work on behalf of Californians cannot be understated.

The Environmental Health Sciences professor has been fighting the false science behind some of our state’s most onerous regulations for years The rebel professor is also famously known for bringing the public’s attention to a fake Ph.D. degree claimed by a researcher for the extremely powerful state environmental agency, the California Air Resources Board (CARB).

Liberal institutions claim they adore whistle-blowers.  Not, it seems, when they fight the eco-activism that is entrenched in campus and government bureaucracies.   Shortly after I met him in 2010, UCLA told Enstrom he was being terminated because his research failed to accord with the department’s “mission.”

Subsequently, Enstrom turned to the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE) for assistance in keeping his job. Now, the organization is helping him bring a lawsuit against the University of California.

"The American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ) also took up Enstrom’s case and is representing Enstrom in a lawsuit filed late yesterday in Los Angeles federal court against UCLA officials and the University of California Regents. Enstrom is seeking a declaration that UCLA violated Enstrom’s free speech and due process rights, as well as an injunction requiring UCLA to rehire him.
“Because of Enstrom’s research and his whistleblowing against prominent advocates of environmental regulation in California, UCLA seemingly has decided to silence him any way it can,” said FIRE Vice President of Programs Adam Kissel. “If there is anywhere we need honest scientists who aren’t on a mission to exclude whistleblowers and skeptics, it is the American university.”" .  
Enstrom is hoping Californians in the area can show up to the courthouse in support of his suit to keep his job. The hearing details are:
  • 9 AM on Monday, March 18,
  • Court Room 790 of Central District Judge Jesus G. Bernal at the Roybal Federal Building and US Courthouse, 255 East Temple Street (at Alameda), Los Angeles,
  • If possible, please arrive at 8:30 AM at entrance to Courthouse for prehearing meeting.
The lawsuit filing provides a troubling description of how 
fraud was used to impose draconian environmental regulations on California enterprises, which is one of the many reasons why California is deemed by CEOs nationwide as the “worst place to do business”.

I hope that my fellow Californians show up to the courthouse and support Enstrom on Monday. We need more rebel professors."


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I'm the daughter of a World War II Air Force pilot and outdoorsman who settled in New Jersey.