George Soros gave Ivanka's husband's business a $250 million credit line in 2015 per WSJ. Soros is also an investor in Jared's business.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Karl Rove, a duplicitous failure, is one reason we have Obama. Limbaugh and Hannity insist on bringing this pathetic clown back.

  • Et tu, Rush?
Thanks to Rush Limbaugh--stunningly for his listeners--and Sean Hannity giving Rove so much publicity, we have a failed, puffy, Rockefeller phony hogging the airwaves. Karl Rove is a dangerous clown and has-been. Limbaugh's support of Rove shows that Limbaugh is quite different from what his radio listeners thought he was. Too bad.
  • "Why in the hell is Karl Rove on my TV? Why is Karl Rove on my radio? Why is Karl Rove on anywhere? Unless he’s on trial or being interrogated, I can’t imagine of what possible use
this George W. Bush relic could be to conservatives and yet he’s everywhere, hocking his book “Courage and Consequence: My Life as a Conservative in the Fight,” a title as credibly right-wing as Stephen Colbert and as historically accurate as the movie “Titanic.” Craig Shirley and former Reagan official Donald Devine summed up Rove’s duplicity well in this week’s Washington Post:
  • “From William F. Buckley Jr. to Barry Goldwater to Ronald Reagan, the creators of the modern conservative movement always taught that excessive concentration of power in government leads inevitably to corruption and the diminution of personal freedoms.
  • But while Rove credits these leaders for shaping his early political views — “at the age of thirteen, I was wild for Barry Goldwater,” he writes —
  • he did not pursue their values while in the White House. To the contrary, as the chief political architect of the Bush presidency, Rove was instrumental in directing an administration
  • most notable for its enormous expansion of national government.”

Given his big government record, you’d think Rove might be treated as a Republican Judas by conservatives, and yet Rush Limbaugh-who rarely has guests-gave the former Bush adviser a full hour to promote his book, and

Are these conservatives kidding?"

  • from The American Conservative by Jack Hunter, 4/8/10, via Free Republic

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I'm the daughter of a World War II Air Force pilot and outdoorsman who settled in New Jersey.