George Soros gave Ivanka's husband's business a $250 million credit line in 2015 per WSJ. Soros is also an investor in Jared's business.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Greenpeace issues threat- "We know where you live."

"We need to hit them where it hurts most, by any means necessary: through the power of our votes, our taxes, our wallets, and more.

…The proper channels have failed. It’s time for mass civil disobedience to cut off the financial oxygen from denial and skepticism.

If you’re one of those who believe that this is not just necessary but also possible, speak to us. Let’s talk about what that mass civil disobedience is going to look like.

If you’re one of those who have spent their lives undermining progressive climate legislation, bankrolling junk science, fueling spurious debates around false solutions, and cattle-prodding democratically-elected governments into submission, then hear this:

We know who you are.

We know where you live.

We know where you work.

And we be many, but you be few."...

  • A typical violent wacked out leftist who probably sees himself as a flower child. (ed).

from, 4/1/10, "Will the real Climategate please stand up?" via WUWT

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I'm the daughter of a World War II Air Force pilot and outdoorsman who settled in New Jersey.