George Soros gave Ivanka's husband's business a $250 million credit line in 2015 per WSJ. Soros is also an investor in Jared's business.

Saturday, May 18, 2024

Walnford Days

Walnford in 1970s

Historic Walnford, Upper Freehold township, NJ, is a family home built in 1773 along with a gristmill built in early 1800s that still functions today. In 1970s, Ed and Joanne Mullen restored Walnford, made it their family home, and later bequeathed it to Monmouth County Parks which welcomes visitors daily.

Above, in Walnford’s original kitchen, Joanne Mullen demonstrates open hearth cooking

Above, Walnford’s original kitchen, another view of Joanne Mullen demonstrating open hearth cooking

Above, Walnford’s original kitchen. In a separate room, Joanne and Ed Mullen built a modern kitchen. With comfortable seating added, the “old” kitchen became the home’s main gathering place.

Above, Walnford kitchen hearth, Ed Mullen with his beloved dog, Luke

Above, Christmas dinner in Walnford dining room. l-r, Matt, Mark, Bob, Jeff, Mom

Above, Walnford dining room

Above, Walnford living room, l-r, Jeff, Mom, Matt, Dad, Mark

Above, Walnford at Christmas, Mark and Matt

Above, Walnford at Christmas, Matt and Mom

Above, Walnford living room, Ed and Joanne’s 4 sons, l-r: Bob, Matt, Jeff, and Mark

Above, Walnford living room, Susan and Mark

Above, Walnford front staircase, Bob carries Christmas presents

Above, Walnford dining room, Ed and Joanne

Above, Christmas at Walnford, Matt happy about a present

Above, Walnford front steps, 4 of Joanne and Ed’s 5 children, Matt, Susan, Jeff and Bob. Perhaps Mark was taking the picture.

Above, outdoors at Walnford, Ed and his son Mark, a bit of Dad’s dog Luke seen at bottom

Above, in Walnford back yard, Ed and Joanne’s son, Jeff

Above, Walnford front porch, Christmas wreath on front door, dog Luke waits for Santa

Above, Christmas wreath on front door of Walnford, Joanne Mullen and her son, Mark

Above, Walnford road in winter, main house on left, gristmill on right, dog Luke enjoys the day

Above, view of Walnford gristmill and Crosswicks Creek

Above, Walnford gristmill as it was in 1970s. Main house is across the street.

Above, view of Walnford back yard

Above, at Walnford, Mullen family, l-r: Mark, Ed, Joanne, Matt, Susan, Jeff, and Bob

Above, Walnford front yard, Ed Mullen on horseback


Above pictures are from Susan Mullen’s scrapbook. I’m Ed and Joanne’s daughter.


Added: Walnford home and gristmill as they are in 2023 thanks to care and attention of Monmouth County Parks. Mark your calendar each year for “Walnford Day.” In 2023 it was held on Sunday, May 21. In 2024 the date is Sunday, May 19.


Added: Demonstrations of Walnford’s working gristmill

4/10/2018, Mill Demonstrations Resume This Spring At Historic Walnford,”, Carly Baldwin, Upper Freehold, NJ

Open for demonstrations from 1-4 p.m. on weekends, April through November, the 19th century gristmill at Historic Walnford, Upper Freehold, allows visitors to see history come alive.”


Extra: Ed and Joanne built a home near Walnford. This portrait of Ed Mullen is displayed in the home’s living room. The book Dad is holding is entitled, “Blues.” He enjoyed catching bluefish.





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I'm the daughter of a World War II Air Force pilot and outdoorsman who settled in New Jersey.