Murder for Hire in California: State will pay nursing homes $1000 per day to house virus infected patients from hospitals. This virtually guarantees premature deaths (murder) of existing residents-Mercury News, National Review…(Ferguson: People age 80 or older could die if infected)
Death is virtually guaranteed if you introduce Covid-19 to persons over age 80. Ferguson stated, “People in the most vulnerable age group, 80 and older, could die if infected.”...California offers up to $1,000 a day to nursing homes to take in patients infected with virus knowing that nursing home residents, many with dementia, are paying for a safe home, as in “nursing home,” and that nursing homes aren’t equipped or staffed to be hospitals.
May 8, 2020, “Bad State Decisions about Nursing Homes Are Heavily Driving the Coronavirus Outbreak,” Jim Geraghty, National Review
“California policy described by the San Jose Mercury News":…
[May 4, 2020, “Coronavirus: Pay for stay? State agency offers cash incentive if board and care homes take in COVID-19-positive seniors from hospitals," Mercury News, Annie Siacca]
“Even as senior care centers have been particularly hard hit by the coronavirus — with patient and staff deaths accounting for nearly 40 percent of all COVID-19 deaths across California–the state is calling on assisted living facilities to house infected patients in exchange for money.
letter from the state Department of Social Services sent to licensees of
senior and adult care residential facilities on Friday urged them to temporarily take in patients who have tested positive for the virus–for up to $1,000 a day––to make room in hospitals for people who become critically ill and require acute care.”…
[But hospitals are empty!: 5/8/20, “Health care industry decimated by coronavirus, loses 1.4 million jobs,” The Hill, Weixel: “The health care industry lost 1.4 million jobs in April….The number of people without jobs is shocking, especially for a sector that has historically been largely resilient during recessions. The April numbers follow a loss of 43,000 health care jobs in March....Physicians’ offices lost more than 240,000 jobs…Hospitals lost 135,00 workers....Congress has allocated $175 billion to help providers impacted by the coronavirus pandemic, but it’s not clear whether the money will be able to save more jobs in the months ahead....Lawmakers have also raised concerns about unequal distribution of funds, and about transparency in how hospitals and other providers can use the funding."]
(continuing, Mercury News): “But health experts and advocates say the plan risks [no, it guarantees] introducing the virus into facilities that have been spared or those already dealing with their own outbreaks….
[Ed. note: Death is virtually guaranteed if you introduce Covid-19 to persons over age 80. Ferguson stated, “People in the most vulnerable age group, 80 and older, could die if infected.” March 16, 2020, “White House Takes New Line After Dire Report on Death Toll," NY Times, Sheri Fink]
(continuing): “As of May 3,…926…patients and staff in long-term care
facilities in the state of California have died, according to figures
released by DSS, which oversees assisted living, and the California
Department of Public Health.”
(continuing, National Review): “The national media have paid copious amounts of attention to the risk of spreading the coronavirus in places like the beaches of Florida and the reopening of businesses in Georgia. A refocus of the national media’s attention and criticism upon the nursing homes in states like California, Illinois, Michigan, Pennsylvania, New Jersey and New York is long overdue.
A lot of people have relished accusing the anti-lockdown protesters of
“killing grandma.” It is time we took a more serious look at what lawmakers’ decisions led most directly to the deaths of so many grandmothers and grandfathers.”
Among comments at Mercury News:
“Oligarchy-1; Residents-0 • 6 days ago
Any decision that assigns COVID-19 patients to board-and-care homes, which are non-medical residences for fragile individuals who often require 1:1 care for feeding, bathing, and toileting, is confirmation that the State holds zero regard for the lives of disabled residents and their essential care providers. Residents and care providers in board-and-care homes must co-exist in constant close proximity. Residents often have dementia or intellectual disabilities and may be unable to control their behavior to comply with social distancing.”
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