56% of North Carolina’s Covid-19 death tally of 430 laboratory confirmed cases is from nursing homes-5/4/20, North Carolina Dept. of Health and Human Services
“Nursing homes have been ground zero for COVID-19,” said CMS Administrator Seema Verma.”…Nursing homes will soon be required to report their COVID-19 cases directly to CDC…”As many as half of the COVID-19 deaths in Europe may have come from nursing homes, Hans Kluge, the WHO’s regional European director.”…“New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo…has described COVID-19 in nursing homes as “fire through dry grass.” AP
North Carolina population as of July 2019: 10,488,084
May 4, 2020, “COVID-19 North Carolina Dashboard,” ncdhhs.gov
“Deaths reflect deaths in persons with laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 reported by local health departments to the NC Department of Health and Human Services.”
Total statewide deaths to date: 430
“Laboratory confirmed deaths” in congregate living settings include:
Deaths in Nursing Homes/Residential care facilities: 240=56% of state total
Added: Covid-19 death tally facts: North Carolina, California, Illinois, Massachusetts, Maryland, Georgia, Europe:
Nursing homes are Ground Zero for Covid-19 per CMS admin. Seema Verma:
56% of North Carolina Covid-19 death tally is from nursing homes;
At least 40% of California’s Covid-19 death tally is from nursing homes but percentage is likely higher;
44% of Illinois Covid-19 death tally is from nursing homes;
56% of Massachusetts Covid-19 death tally is from nursing homes;
Nearly half of Maryland’s Covid-19 death tally is from nursing homes;
41% of Georgia’s Covid-19’s death tally is from nursing homes;
As many as half of COVID-19 deaths in Europe have come from nursing homes, per Hans Kluge, the WHO’s regional European director.
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