Italy’s Salvini doesn’t have to hide in the palace as Macron does
Blog Archive
- Bilderberg’s only purpose is to impress on guests ...
- UK monarchy has tied its financial survival to the...
- Syria is exact opposite of what Americans are bein...
- US government spent $12 billion+ backing Islamic t...
- Globalization and endless wars render voters and e...
- Day after Trump says no more troops to Mid East, P...
- Day after Trump says no more troops to Mid East, P...
- Memorial Day 2019: Trump has redefined US “boots o...
- OPCW shockingly admits it can’t prove April 2018 A...
- US under Trump is a borderless rogue operation all...
- Those advocating arming Assad’s opposition in Syri...
- Trump is the “animal,” not Assad. Trump must apolo...
- US continues to act as if it’s one way street, tha...
- Cowardly Trump is completely detached from US Home...
- Confirmed that Trump killed Syrians for no reason....
- Italy’s Salvini doesn’t have to hide in the palace...
- Al Gore interfered in Australia’s democracy by see...
- In order to be anti-Trump you have to favor even w...
- Putin and Xi don’t believe a word Trump says. Even...
- Mueller's report is rendered worthless by his omit...
- Hey Venezuela, you like electricity? Become a US c...
- Trump hiring of Elliott Abrams is sufficient reaso...
- Fledgling Russia miraculously survived economic ge...
- No sign of increased threats in Iraq or Syria from...
- So-called pro-democracy group Avaaz demonstrates t...
- US President Trump welcomes Prime Minister of Hung...
- Hey, Guaido, if you get “direct communication with...
- Russiagate is misnomer for Intelgate, the actual “...
- Criminal phenomenon of George Soros, himself a pup...
- Bankrupt PG&E seeks to prevent California wildfire...
- For past 70 years US has refused to defend its own...
- Trump prevents “humanitarian aid” to Americans in ...
- Neoliberal elites ensure that US elections are mea...
- Strongman George Soros brought Hungary to brink of...
- NSA electronic spying budget is $14.2 billion year...
- Renewables, Germany's greatest political project s...
- Mr. Trump, Russia doesn’t “have to” do anything. I...
- The exact opposite of what we voted for: Pompeo pr...
- As employee of global war machine instead of US vo...
- Trump regime on a roll, recklessly escalates Venez...
- As blood flowed and suffering worsened, neocons ju...
- Trump was elected to end US foreign wars and regim...
- 13 EU members from former Eastern bloc want more p...
- $10.4 billion from “British Asians” in UK was funn...
- Another Venezuela product of US regime change labs...
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