As blood flowed and suffering worsened, neocons just sought out someone else to blame. Neocon-liberal alliance makes US global aggression look normal-Robert Parry, Stephen M. Walt, 2015, 2014
“Then, as the blood flowed and the suffering worsened, the neocons just sought out someone else to blame….Most neocons who authored the Iraq disaster remain “respected” experts employed by major think tanks, given prized space on op-ed pages, and consulted at the highest levels of the U.S. government.” 7/13/2015, “The Mess that [Victoria] Nuland Made,” Consortium News, Robert Parry…Image above, State Dept
“Being a Neocon Means Never Having to Say You’re Sorry,” Foreign Policy, Stephen M. Walt, 6/20/2014: “These guys were wrong about every aspect of Iraq. Why do we still have to listen to them?...The neoconservative-liberal alliance in effect re-legitimates the neoconservative world view, and makes their continued enthusiasm for U.S.-led wars look “normal.””
Image above from, 2/27/16, “State Department’s Mission: Coup d’etat"
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