Trump was elected because he was the one candidate who called for US to end chronic involvement in unwinnable foreign wars. How ironic if Trump takes US to war with Russia via Ukraine-Strategic Culture, Sieff
“Trump was elected president in November 2016 precisely because he was the only candidate in that shock election who
unambiguously called for the United States to end its 70-year fixation
with getting pulled into one endless war and confrontation after another around the world.”
12/16/18, “The Stampede of the Gadarene Swine: US Leaders Allowing Ukraine to Pull Them into Global War,” Strategic Culture, Martin Sieff
“Trump today is no more than putty in the hands of his national security adviser John Bolton,
one of the masterminds of the catastrophe that was the 2003 invasion of
Iraq….Bolton never learns, never mellows and he never changes. It is
always everybody else’s fault….
He is now impelling Trump on a reckless course of empowering the dangerous adventurers who with US support have seized Ukraine and have spent the past nearly five years wrecking it.
Even worse…absurd sentimentalizing of an obscure, tiny or unstable ally…now permeates US decision-makers, strategists and their pontificating pundits about Ukraine. On March 1, 2016, US General Philip Breedlove, then NATO Supreme Allied Commander Europe (SACEUR) memorably referred to “our Ukrainian brothers and sisters” in a Pentagon press briefing.
There is no way in any sane assessment that the ramshackle Ukrainian forces – and certainly not the neo-Nazi militias recruited in the west of the country to terrorize the east – can be regarded as “brothers” of the US armed forces…
No poll has been taken since then across the United States, as far as I am aware as to whether the American people would be willing to risk full-scale nuclear war to defend a government in Ukraine that is demonstrably unpopular among its own people.
Trump was elected president in November 2016 precisely because he was the only candidate in that shock election who unambiguously called
for the United States to end its 70-year fixation with getting pulled
into one endless war and confrontation after another around the world. It would be the darkest
of ironies if instead he took America into its last and most
catastrophic conflict – a nuclear confrontation from which there could
be no recovery, no escape and no survival.
Britain, Russia and Germany in 1914 were all destroyed by the deliberate plotting and manipulations of vastly smaller or weaker allies run by psychopathic gamblers. The rulers of Kiev today, in their entirely reckless disregard for the dangers of global thermonuclear war clearly fit into that category.
Policymakers in Moscow recognize this dire reality. Their counterparts in Washington remain amazingly totally blind to it. Their only idea of strategy is the suicidal stampede of the Gadarene Swine in the Gospels off the end of a cliff. And they are taking the entire human race with them.”
Added: Case for Russiagate looks weaker than ever-NPR
Above, 12/16/18, via Ann Coulter twitter.
“The Russia Investigations: An Unfinished Case Looks Weaker Than Ever,” 12/15/18, NPR twitter
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