- “Residents claim they are the ‘forgotten victims’ of Sandy
- Also say that lack of power and law enforcement means more looting and violent crime
- Those in stricken areas stockpiling weapons like kitchen knives, machetes, and bats to protect themselves
- Coney Island residents say they are forced to ‘scavenge for food like animals’
- Power unlikely to be returned to Brooklyn, Queen’s and Staten Island until sometime next week”

“Bitter: A sign about the marathon and New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg is displayed in a devastated section of Staten Island yesterday, before the marathon was canceled,” ap

Above, “Vigilante justice: A sign is seen outside a home in Long Beach in Long Island on November 2 gives a dire warning to would-be looters”

Above, “Artist Konstantin Bokov gets water to boil for drinking from an old fire hydrant at Rockaway Beach, New York on November 3, 2012. He has no power, and no running water”
“Almost one week after superstorm Sandy struck the East Coast with its ferocious force, power was still out to some 2.5 million customers due to damages, down from 3.5 million on Friday, the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Electricity Delivery & Energy Reliability claimed.
The state with the largest number of outages by far is still New Jersey with 32 percent of customers without power, it said it a report.
And as the lights begin to flicker on in Lower Manhattan, nine percent of customers across the state of New York still do not have power, followed by seven percent in Connecticut.”…photos via UK Daily Mail. via Free Republic
11/2/12, “A Tale of Two Crises,” Mark Steyn, NRO
“In political terms, Hurricane Sandy and the Benghazi-consulate debacle exemplify at home and abroad the fundamental unseriousness of the United States in the Obama era.
“He (Obama) appeared in New Jersey wearing a bomber jacket rather than a suit to demonstrate that
- when the going gets tough the tough get out
- a monogrammed Air Force One bomber jacket….
This, too, is an example of America’s uniquely profligate impotence”...
Staten Islanders ask, Where is FEMA?
11/2/12, “Staten Islanders On Sandy Response: We’ve Been Left FAR Behind,” newyork.cbslocal.com
“Borough Is In Shambles, But Little Help Has Arrived; They Ask: Where Is FEMA?“
““You hope that the government does the right thing and steps in and helps us out. We have been looking for FEMA, [but] FEMA has not been here,” Hannula said.
People on Staten Island argued that they’ve been neglected while other parts of New York City, and the Jersey Shore, have been showered with attention.”...
Staten Islanders are the wrong demo:
“This Depressing NBC Segment On Staten Island Could Change The Way The World Sees Hurricane Sandy. “This NBC segment on the situation this week on Staten Island is awful, and makes the response look horrible.”
UPDATE: A New York reader emails: “The demographic of the folks devastated in low-lying Staten Islandis that of Obama’s ‘bitter clingers’; white, working class, play-by-the-rules folks. The feeble non-response to their suffering is a perfect mirror image of the allegations leveled against W for his alleged indifference during Katrina.”Indeed. And we already know that Obama has written off the white working class. My NYC reader adds: “Personal note: Those are ‘my’ people…I grew up on the other side of the Verrazano Bridge among the same demographic: primarily Catholic blue collar folks, very family oriented. It is painful watching them suffer.””
Martial law declared in Jersey shore towns:
11/1/12, “Seaside Heights residents wait to see what remains,“ ABC News, WPVI TV, N. Muchanic
“The Fun Town Pier in Seaside Heights is now a pile of twisted metal and broken rides lying on the beach as waves lap over it.
It’s one of two piers destroyed in hurricane Sandy where the iconic Ferris wheels seem to be the only thing left standing.
“I think anybody who’s ever been to Seaside or grew up here loves this place; this the way I make my living and a lot of other people make their living. They’ll be back,” arcade worker Helen Stewart said.
It’s hard to conceive of how long that could take. Seaside Heights and nearby towns are under martial law.
“We know people are there, we’re keeping an eye on them, and they need to stay on their property. If they come off their property to come off the island, then they don’t get back on. It’ll be a while before anybody gets back on the island until we make it safe,” Toms River Police Chief Mike Mastronardy said.
That’s upsetting to homeowners who’ve only seen their barrier island from aerial shots. The pictures are devastating and they are desperate to find out if their houses are still standing.”
Mantoloking Bridge washed out on Jersey shore:
10/31/12, Mantoloking Bridge, Jersey Shore, photo from NJ National Guard
Ed. note: Obama has lived most of his life among the rich and privileged. He's never been desperate or poor though that isn't a requirement for normal people to at least have some empathy. In this regard, he's similar to his mentor Valerie Jarrett. The two of them are most cruel to the poorest:
“Beyond the spin and polls, a starkly different picture emerges. It is a portrait of a man quite unlike his image, not a visionary reformer, but a classic Chicago machine pol.”
Obama's closest aide, Valerie Jarrett, is a serial slumlord. Jarrett had accomplished parents but failed to honor that, instead becoming a slumlord and being fired from Mayor Daley's staff.
8/14/12, "Obama's Strange Dependence on Valerie Jarrett," American Thinker, Karin McQuillen
"Not that Jarrett's record in Chicago was anything to be proud of. Jarrett was known for her corruption and incompetence. Daley finally had to fire her after a scandal erupted over her role in misuse of public funds in the city's substandard public housing. She went on to become CEO of Habitat Executive Services, pulling down $300,000 in salary and $550,000 in deferred compensation. Again, she managed a housing complex that was seized by government inspectors for slum conditions. The scandal didn't matter to Obama.
- The sordid corruption was all part of Jarrett's Chicago success story."...
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