“If actually a sovereign state, Ukraine would have refused to receive Biden. But it seems that for the Kiev regime friendly backslappings by the U.S. boss are more important than their country’s national interests." Biden’s last trip to “U.S.-controlled aboriginal regime,” 1/6/2017
[Image: US Grim Reaper image: “State Dept’s Mission: Coup d’etat,” Technocratic Tyranny]
1/17/2017, “Farewell tour of “old Joe”: Biden’s last visit to Ukraine,” Eurasia Daily, Denis Gayevsky, Kiev
“If you remember, the anti-terrorist operation in Donbass was preceded by the visit of U.S. Vice President Joe Biden and CIA Director John Brennan to Kiev. During that visit in Apr 2014,
Biden was sitting at the head of the negotiating table-
the place meant for the president of Ukraine –
and was distributing directives to the representatives of the “sovereign” Maidan regime.
Since then [April 2014] he [Biden] has been the United States’ key inspector for Ukraine. Since 2014, old Joe has paid five visits to Kiev. In Dec 2015, he confessed that he had more conversations with Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko than with his own wife. In less than two years, the two spent more than 1,000 hours talking on the phone.
In Ukraine, Biden was responsible for a wide range of issues-from appointments of personnel (it was he who forced Poroshenko to dismiss Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin in exchange for a $1bn loan)
and settlement of conflicts inside the Kiev “terrarium of kindred
spirits” to military-political and diplomatic activities. And, of
course, he actively encouraged the Kiev regime into fighting corruption,
implementing reforms and doing other tasks U.S.-controlled aboriginal regimes are usually supposed to do.
Formally, Biden was an advocate of diplomatic efforts in Donbass.
While speaking at the Supreme Rada in Dec 2015,
he even urged the Kiev authorities to do something they usually punished their opponents for – to federalize Ukraine.
“Autonomous independent states, their determination to have their own police forces, their determination to have their education system, to have their own government under the united constitution. Constitutional reform that includes judicial reform and decentralization does not compromise your sovereignty. It enhances it. It’s an important step to building a strong, new nation. And it’s important to the Ukrainian-European future,” Biden said.
But if the Americans were actually keen to settle the conflict in Donbass, Poroshenko would have forced the MPs to approve bills on Minsk 2. Onishchenko’s recordings have shown that the Ukrainian MPs can approve any decision if they get certain financial resources in exchange.
On Jan 6, 2017, Biden paid his last visit to Kiev as U.S. vice president. His agenda was as always – calls for implementing Minsk 2, promoting reforms and organizing anti-corruption investigations. But there was a couple of special moments.
Obama’s administration is doing its best to leave Trump with minimal room for foreign political maneuver – more specifically, to bind him with a net of agreements and restrictions (concerning New Europe, the Middle East and Southeast Asia). Ukraine will not be an exception here as the Americans are not going to let it spoil their game. Ukraine will certainly be one of the key topics during Trump’s talks with the Russians. So, Biden’s task may be to offer the Kiev authorities a plan of action that will make such talks impossible. In the weeks to come, we may witness resumed battles in Donbass and different anti-Russian military provocations, as was the case with the recent missile firings in the Black Sea.
1/1/2017, in Ukraine with Ukraine military members, US. Sens. McCain,
Graham, and Klobuchar, US Amb. to Ukraine Marie Yovonovitch, Ukraine
Pres. Poroshenko hear McCain promise more US taxpayer funded weapons for
Ukraine to kill Russians].
If actually a sovereign state, Ukraine would have refused to receive Biden. But it seems that for the Kiev regime friendly backslappings by the U.S. boss are more important than their country’s national interests.
[Image, Dec. 2019, US Sens. McCain and Graham in Ukraine to accept award from Pres. Poroshenko]
But politics are not Biden’s only interest in Ukraine. Here he also has business interests. His son, Hunter Biden, is in the board of Ukraine’s biggest private gas producer, Burisma Holdings….Hunter Biden’s appointment into Burisma’s board was a bright example of elite corruption: Biden was given access to a gainful sector while Zlochevsky got a political cover….
So, now that Biden has given final directives to his subordinates and has ensured sufficient defense for his family business, he can go back home with peace of mind and anticipation of a worthy retirement allowance,
while disintegrated and imbalanced Ukraine will continue dabbling in the pit of its problems."
Added: Following the Baltic model, Ukraine has been deindustrialized since US took over in 2014:
4/25/2018, “Ukraine is being deindustrialized according to Baltic scenario: opinion,” Eurasia Daily, Denis Gayevsky
“This seems to be part of the Kiev regime’s consistent policy to deindustrialize Ukraine, a policy that is aimed not only at turning Ukraine into a supplier of raw materials to foreign markets but also against Russia-oriented companies that may grow into a strong opposition and an active advocate of recovery of economic contacts with Russia.
The paradox of this situation is that the Ukrainian comprador elites are ruining their own economy just to be able to retain their power….
As far as economic neoliberalism is concerned, Ukraine is actually being reformed: attractive sectors are being given to western capitals, while lots of Ukrainian workers are emigrating to Europe to the benefit of the Ukrainian government, who no longer needs to support them,
and the European governments, who
are receiving cheap labor force.”….image from Eurasia Daily
Added: “Russia’s counterweight to US imperial expansion is welcomed, from China to Brazil.”
4/30/2014, “It’s not Russia that’s pushed Ukraine to the brink of war,” UK Guardian, Seumas Milne
“The US and its European allies impose sanctions and dictate terms to Russia and its proteges in Kiev, encouraging the military crackdown on protesters after visits from Joe Biden and the CIA director, John Brennan. But by what right is the US involved at all, incorporating under its strategic umbrella a state that has never been a member of Nato, and whose last elected government came to power on a platform of explicit neutrality? It has none, of course – which is why the Ukraine crisis is seen in such a different light across most of the world. There may be few global takers for Putin’s oligarchic conservatism and nationalism,
but Russia’s counterweight to US imperial expansion is welcomed, from China to Brazil….
The reality is that, after two decades of eastward Nato expansion, this crisis was triggered by the west’s attempt to pull Ukraine decisively into its orbit and defence structure, via an explicitly anti-Moscow EU association agreement. Its rejection led to the Maidan protests and the installation of an anti-Russian administration – rejected by half the country – that went on to sign the EU and International Monetary Fund agreements regardless….
US and European leaders championed the “masked militants” and denounced the elected government for its crackdown, just as they now back the unelected government’s use of force against rebels occupying police stations and town halls in cities such as Slavyansk and Donetsk.
“America is with you,” Senator John McCain told demonstrators then, standing shoulder to shoulder with the leader of the far-right Svoboda party as the US ambassador haggled with the state department over who would make up the new Ukrainian government.
When the Ukrainian president was replaced by a US-selected administration, in an entirely unconstitutional takeover, politicians such as William Hague brazenly misled parliament about the legality of what had taken place: the imposition of a pro-western government on Russia’s most neuralgic and politically divided neighbour.”…
Added: Ukraine Maidan protesters a year later in 2015 “are gripped with a profound sense of shock” that their “revolution” calling for overhaul of elite corruption has yielded the reverse, a worse oligarch and worse elite corruption in which oligarchs still control 80-85% of Ukraine GDP....2/25/2015…
Kiev renamed a street in honour of late US senator McCain who promoted overthrow of elected Ukraine president in order to install US puppet government, 5/4/19, AFP
Added: Ukraine is the new Mexico, provides cheap labor for Europe: “Apparently, certain Western countries consider Ukraine as a cheap labor force reserve that should eventually reduce costs on labor force on the all-European market. This explains the anti-social reforms of Ukraine’s government. They seek to create social and economic conditions in Ukraine worse than in neighboring EU countries. Besides, emigration is a method of “blowing off” social discontent. The ruling elite in Ukraine pins hopes with foreign transfers [“remittances”] from Ukrainian migrants working abroad.”...
10/25/2017, “Major problem and big secret: How many people are still in Ukraine?” Eurasia Daily, Denis Gayevsky, Kiev
“Depopulation in independent Ukraine has reached unprecedented scales during the recent years.
One can no longer turn a blind eye on it. Recently, Taras Berezovets, a
prominent Ukrainian political strategist closely connected with the
president’s administration, has left a post on Facebook
openly stating that “depopulation is the problem No.1 for Ukraine.”
Berezovets believes that his country will have to settle the problem by
“attracting labor force from CIS and South-Eastern Asia.”
According to the State Statistical Committee of Ukraine, the population shrank by 6.7 million to 45.5 million within 20 years, from 1993-2013. These are official data that include also the citizens who regularly live and work outside Ukraine. Whereas, a method of calculation based on bread and electricity consumption per capita showed that in 2013 the population in Ukraine made up 39 million people.
According to the State Committee of Statistics, as of September 1, 2017, the permanent population of Ukraine totaled 42.2 million people, exclusive of Crimea and Sevastopol but inclusive of the territories of Donbass (not controlled by Kiev) with a population of about 3 million people. Considering that at least 4 million Ukrainians permanently reside in Russia and Poland, less than 35 million people live in Kiev-controlled territory (besides Russia and Poland, Ukrainians make up the largest ‘labor diaspora’ in the Czech Republic and Lithuania).
In this light, the known forecasts by the World Health Organization saying that Ukraine’s population will shrink to 30 million people sound even too optimistic. Ukraine’s government have been avoiding making public the number of the population for about 15 years already – the last census was held in Ukraine in 2001 when 48,9 million people were recorded. In late 2015, the population census set for 2016 was postponed until 2020 i.e. far beyond the first term of Petro Poroshenko. This is not surprising, since “dead souls” is a colossal reserve to rig elections amid dramatically falling approval ratings of those in power. Besides, it is a good chance to earn on fake utility subsidies. In fact, the number of Ukraine’s population is nearly the biggest secret of the state.
Ukraine is turning into a country with large-scale emigration. A poll conducted by Rating Social Group (September 2017) found out that 44% of respondents wish to work abroad, of which 68% are young people. Another 35% of the polled wish to move abroad with permanent residency (a 5% growth year-over-year). Ukraine’s neighbors get advantage of the situation and steal both unskilled labor force (mostly Poland and Hungary that facilitated employment procedures for seasonal jobs after visa liberalization) and highly qualified specialists.
Particularly, by data of Poland’s Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers, Poland needs 5 million more people within coming 20 years to ensure economic growth. As a result, finding a skilled construction team has become quite problematic in West Ukraine: most of skillful workers have moved to the nearest EU countries or Russia for earning.
Apparently, certain Western countries consider Ukraine as a cheap labor force reserve that should eventually reduce costs on labor force on the all-European market. This explains the anti-social reforms of Ukraine’s government. They seek to create social and economic conditions in Ukraine worse than in neighboring EU countries. Besides, emigration is a method of “blowing off” social discontent. The ruling elite in Ukraine pins hopes with foreign transfers [“remittances”] from Ukrainian migrants working abroad. Meantime, many in Ukraine now move abroad with their families, which means that private money remittances to Ukraine will gradually decrease. Noteworthy that pro-governmental political strategist writes about this and brings the following example: earlier, one microbus imported 30,000-40,000 EUR in cash to relatives in Ukraine, now, this sum has decreased almost 10-fold.
The latest pension and medical reforms introduced by Supreme Rada will just boost emigration. Besides, the medical reform that implies a significant commercialization of healthcare system that will seriously affect life expectancy and contribute to natural decline in the population. Besides, as skeptics ironize, this will reduce the burden on the Pension Fund, since the number of pensioners in the country has exceeded the number of the officially employed population.
On top of it, in the period from 2014 up to August of the current year [2017], death rate exceeded birthrate by 679,000 people. Actually, the annual death rate is equal to the population of an average regional center in Ukraine. The situation is getting worse with every year. In 2015, three regions of Ukraine saw natural growth of the population, whereas last year, birthrate exceeded death rate only in Kiev (and just by a few hundred people). Consequently, by mortality rate Ukraine has been the leader in Europe (vaccination coverage is the lowest, since, in fact, sanctions have been imposed on vaccines imported from Russia) and among top three countries in the world during the recent years.
About the idea to “attract labor forces from CIS and Southeast Asia,” Ukraine will hardly get something to offer migrants from those regions. Ukraine can be used as a transit country to EU countries at best, since getting citizenship in Ukraine is not hard due to high level of corruption there. Noteworthy is the example of Baltic States where they tried to give shelter to several dozens of Middle East refugees, which, in fact, wished to leave Baltics for Northern and Western Europe. Normally, the Baltic States experienced demographic problems similar to those of Ukraine. Only Estonia has seen certain population growth during the last two years. Let’s wait and see if it will manage to ensure long-term population growth.
At what stage will demographic stabilization in Ukraine start? Perhaps, it will happen at the level of 15-20 million people, who will adapt to the reformed social situation in the country and recover the living standards of at least 2013. This is quite possible, considering the idea to turn Ukraine into “a great agrarian country,” because nowadays agricultural industry sector does not need too big labor force."
Added: McCain lied to the protesters: 12/15/2013, “John McCain backs opposition leaders telling Ukraine protesters: ‘America stands with you – Ukraine will make Europe better’,” AP report via Daily Mail…[“America” will give you worse hell than you ever imagined].
“U.S. Senator John McCain met Ukrainian opposition leaders in Kiev on Saturday and voiced support for protesters [advocating overthrow of government] camped out for weeks in the capital….
McCain is the latest of a string of European and American dignitaries to tour the sprawling protest camp….McCain was due to be joined by the chairman of the Senate’s Europe subcommittee, Chris Murphy, on Sunday.”…
Above, 12/13/2013, McCain in Kiev promoting overthrow of Ukraine government, AP, UK Guardian, AP
[Image: US Grim Reaper image: “State Department’s Mission: Coup d’etat,” Technocratic Tyranny]
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