Truman was US President from April 12, 1945, to January 20, 1953.
On August 6, 1945, Truman ordered an atomic bomb dropped on the Japanese city of Hiroshima. Three days later, on August 9, Truman ordered an atomic bomb to be dropped on a second Japanese city, Nagasaki.…For Truman, this removed the problem of having to ask Stalin to help the US defeat the Japanese:…“On July 25, [1945] after receiving Stalin’s pledge to join the U.S. in the war against Japan in the Pacific, Truman casually informed the Soviet leader that the United States had a new weapon of unusual destructive force. Although Stalin did not appear to be impressed by the news, Truman hoped the information would increase the pressure on Stalin to concede to the Allies’ demands regarding the post-war division of Europe...It turned out that Truman would not need the Soviets’ help in the Pacific after all. On August 6, 1945, one week before the Soviets were due to join combat operations, Truman ordered the first atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima, Japan.”
Image, July 18, 1945, Harry S. Truman and Joseph Stalin meeting at Potsdam, Germany.
“From left to right, row 1 : Joseph Stalin, Harry S. Truman, Soviet
Ambassador Andrei Gromyko, Secretary of State James Byrnes, and Soviet
Foreign Minister Vyacheslav Molotov. Second row: General Harry Vaughan,
interpreter Charles Bohlen, interpreter V. N. Pavlov (mostly obscured by
Truman), Captain James K. Vardaman, and Charles Ross (partially
obscured).” National Archives. (Less than a month later, 8/6/1945, Truman bombed Hiroshima, Japan)
More on Truman:
After dropping two atomic bombs on Japan in August 1945, Truman founded a completely different United States, one in which US taxpayers were automatically subordinate to endless global military interventions. Every US baby would be born into a life of bondage to global military profiteers:
In 1946, Truman signed the United Nations Charter.
In 1947 the Truman Doctrine kicked off US global Cold War Policy
“The Truman Doctrine was the United States’ first Cold War policy. Developed by Harry Truman in the first two years of his presidency, it was publicly unveiled in a speech to the US Congress in March 1947. The Truman Doctrine held that the US should provide material support to any democratic nation that found itself at risk from anti-democratic forces, namely communism. This doctrine became the basis for US policy for much of the Cold War.“…Congress granted Truman’s request for $300 million in aid to Greece and $100 million in aid to Turkey in military and economic aid.
In 1947 Truman created the CIA, NSC, Joint Chiefs of Staff, and Dept. of Defense:
“In 1947, Truman signed the National Security Act, which reorganized the intelligence agencies and armed forces. The act created the Department of Defense. Prior
to this the United States had the Department of War and the Department
of the Navy. With the Department of Defense, all of the armed forces
would come under one umbrella, including the newly created Air Force,
which had previously been the Army Air Forces. The National Security Act also created the Joint Chiefs of Staff, which was made up of the senior uniformed commanders of the armed forces….The 1947 National Security Act created two national security agencies: the National Security Council…and the Central Intelligence Agency, a
non military agency that is responsible for the monitoring and
reporting of security of the country and its interests abroad to the
president….Before the [CIA] agency was created, the post of Director of Central Intelligence was created in 1946 by Truman.”…
In 1948 Truman created the $13 billion Marshall Plan which “helped 18 European countries to recover from World War II, …to stabilize Europe economically and politically so that European nations would not be tempted by the appeal of communist parties:”
“Under the Marshall Plan, the Economic Cooperation Administration (ECA) distributed $13 billion in aid over four years (1948-51). Most of the funds were given in direct grants, and the rest in loans. Seventeen nations in western and southern Europe received assistance, including the United Kingdom, Austria, Belgium, the Netherlands, Denmark, France, Sweden, Iceland, Ireland, Greece, Italy, Luxembourg, Norway, Portugal, Switzerland, Turkey and West Germany.”…
In 1949 Truman created NATO which he saw as a “world” group:
“By this treaty, we are not only seeking to establish freedom from aggression and from the use of force in the North Atlantic community, but we are also actively striving to promote and preserve peace throughout the world.”
Christmas, 1951, Truman was desperate that his successor be an interventionist like himself: “I must keep the isolationists out of the White House:”
“Truman offered [Dwight] Eisenhower the presidency on the Democratic ticketat Christmas 1951, and not for the first time, but for the fourth. “If I do what I want to do, I’ll go back to Missouri,” Truman confided in a handwritten letter to Eisenhower.
“If you decide to finish the European job (and I don’t know who else can) I must keep the isolationists out of the White House. I wish you would let me know what you intend to do. It will be between us and no one else.”
He had assumed, without knowing, that the general would accept the Democratic nomination. No one knew for sure what party Ike liked.”…9/25/2020, “How the US-Soviet Relationship Shaped Eisenhower’s Presidency,” “The Early Years of the Cold War,” Tim Weiner
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