Jared, in Florida boat parade for Trump on 8/15, you see only “trailer park” voters you despise. Like you, neither political party wants these boaters. Like you, both parties care only about open borders, cheap labor, and US taxpayer subservience to global “superiors”
Jared says, “trailer parks” have no choice but to vote for “us” in 2020: “‘The trailer parks are rock-solid. What choice do they have? They’ve got to vote for us.’ Jared Kushner…has made that point out loud…No one has more contempt for Donald Trump’s voters than Jared Kushner and no one expresses it more frequently,” said Tucker Carlson. Reported 6/1/20
Sat., 8/15/20, “WATCH: Trump Boat Parade 2020 in Clearwater, FL,” toptradeguru.com, Clearwater, Florida
Above image, 8/15/20, Boat parade for Trump, Clearwater, Fla., via toptradeguru.com
“It’ll be nice to be in the open air, sunshine, maintain distance and support what we believe is the proper presidential choice,” [said] Cliff Gehart, one of the organizers.
More than 1,181 Trump supporters were expected Saturday morning, the organizing website states [conservativegrounds.com]….
The official boat count took place at the Welch Causeway Bridge in Madiera Beach in Florida. No official count has been announced.
[Above 3 images, Sat., 8/15/20, Boat parade of Trump supporters, Fox 13, Tampa, Fla.]
It was an incredible experience to be with so many patriots today in Clearwater, Florida! I had no idea there were so many Trump supporters! The line was miles long!…
Above two images, 8/15/20, Boat parade to support Trump, Clearwater, Fla., WFLA News
Above, 8/15/20, “Clearwater Boat Parade,” WeAreDivergent Twitter
Above two images, 8/15/20, “Largest #TrumpBoatParade2020 in Clearwater, Florida is happening today!,” USMediaNetwork twitter
Above two images, 8/15/20, Clearwater, Fla. boat parade for Trump, from video by toptradeguru.com
Comment: More about Trump’s “senior advisor” who himself must’ve been raised in a trailer park since no one taught him any manners:
Tucker Carlson: “The president’s famously sharp instincts, the ones that won him the presidency…have been since subverted at every level by Jared Kushner.”…
Yes, but decisions are ultimately Trump’s. No matter how much of a national embarrassment Ivanka’s husband is, Trump will slobber over him. Most aren’t aware that Jared accepted a $250 million credit line from Soros in 2015 and that Soros is an investor in Jared’s business.
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