George Soros gave Ivanka's husband's business a $250 million credit line in 2015 per WSJ. Soros is also an investor in Jared's business.

Monday, March 11, 2019

Big joke that US dictators Trump, John Bolton, and Elliott Abrams claim to care about “the Venezuelan people” after US genocides of Iraq, Libya, Syria, Ukraine, Venezuela, and US itself. Under US dictatorship Americans are treated like garbage, forced to live in a borderless death trap, to fund defense of every border in the world except US border

US dictatorship is determined to destroy Venezuela: April 2002, “US ‘gave the nod’ to Venezuelan coupElliott Abrams was “crucial figure in 2002 US coup attempt….Feb. 2015-Obama orders assassination of Venezuela Pres. Maduro

3/10/19, “US pressuring India to end Venezuelan oil purchases,” The Hill, Michael Burke

The U.S. is pressuring India to not purchase oil from Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro’s government, special envoy to Venezuela Elliott Abrams told Reuters on Sunday.

 “We say you should not be helping this regime. You should be on the side of the Venezuelan people,” Abrams said. 

Abrams added that the Trump administration has made similar urges to other governments and described the U.S. as “arguing, cajoling, urging.” 

The revelation comes as the Trump administration and a number of other foreign governments have recognized Juan Guaidó, the head of Venezuela’s National Assembly, as Venezuela’s interim president in an effort to get Maduro to step down. 

The U.S. has also slapped sanctions on Venezuela’s state-owned oil company and government officials in Venezuela.

The U.S. last week also threatened to sanction foreign banks that do business with Maduro’s government. 

National security adviser John Bolton said in a statement last week that foreign banks “will face sanctions for being involved in facilitating illegitimate transactions that benefit Nicolas Maduro and his corrupt network.” 

We will not allow Maduro to steal the wealth of the Venezuelan people,” Bolton added.”…[“We will not allow?” Who is “we?” Answer: Unelected globalists for whom "the American people" don't exist. Such as Jared, Ivanka, and Soros.]

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I'm the daughter of a World War II Air Force pilot and outdoorsman who settled in New Jersey.