George Soros gave Ivanka's husband's business a $250 million credit line in 2015 per WSJ. Soros is also an investor in Jared's business.

Monday, October 22, 2018

The media's power comes from driving the narrative, not just at the breakfast table, but in the Senate cloakroom, the legislative chambers, and in the Oval Office. For example, the Washington Post is chasing down anyone who points out the obvious fact that their soul mate Khashoggi was devoted to the Muslim Brotherhood-Daniel Greenfield

10/22/18, "Why the Washington Post Fears the Freedom Center," Daniel Greenfield, FrontPageMag 

"We’re making a difference and the media is trying to stop us."...

"The media’s power comes from driving the narrative, not just at the breakfast table, but in the Senate cloakroom, the legislative chambers, and in the Oval Office....

It was the third week of Khashoggimania. And some difficult questions were being asked.

The Washington Post had provided Jamal Khashoggi, a Hamas supporter and an old friend of Osama bin Laden, with column space in which to promote the agenda of the Muslim Brotherhood. 

It had seized on the pretext of his disappearance and death to fracture the coalition against Iran and advocate regime change in Saudi Arabia. These had also been Khashoggi’s two fundamental Islamist goals.

Advocating Muslim Brotherhood regime change under the guise of human rights had worked in Egypt, Libya, and other countries in the Arab Spring. But it faltered in Syria when people started asking difficult questions about the “secular” and “democratic” Muslim Brotherhood and Al Qaeda militias.

Now the Washington Post was concerned that members of Congress were asking tough questions about Khashoggi, a “secular” and “democratic” Islamist advocating regime change in Saudi Arabia.... 

It argued that some unnamed and unquoted “experts on the Middle East” claimed that Khashoggi had adopted a “more liberal, secular point of view.”

This absurd lie is belied by Khashoggi’s own Washington Post editorial advocating for the Muslim Brotherhood. Earlier this year, Khashoggi insisted that Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman “does not have the answer to what moderate Islam means,” but that it was Muslim Brotherhood clerics like Sheikh Yusuf Qaradawi who had invented “moderate Islam.” Qaradawi had praised Hitler for killing Jews in the Holocaust, and expressed his desire that the next Holocaust be carried out by Muslims."...



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I'm the daughter of a World War II Air Force pilot and outdoorsman who settled in New Jersey.