2013, "LAWSUIT TO DEFEAT AGENDA 21," Democrats Against UN Agenda 21
"The Post Sustainability Institute / Democrats Against UN Agenda 21 and Freedom Advocates are launching a legal challenge to PLAN BAY AREA/ONE BAY AREA (click for a pdf of the Plan). This plan is different from other regional plans across the country and we believe that it will be a prototype for your future.
PLAN BAY AREA [9 San Francisco Bay Area counties] is an all-encompassing land use and transportation plan that regionalizes all 9 counties and 101 cities of the San Francisco
Bay Area by limiting new construction to specific locations (only 4% of the land area) and requiring high density development: more apartments and condos on top of shops. If cities want federal and state transportation dollars they will have to agree to this Sustainable Communities Strategies plan. PLAN BAY AREA is an aggressive implementation of UN Agenda 21's "islands of human habitation."
. PLAN BAY AREA violates voter-approved urban growth boundary ordinances. Even though voters all over the Bay Area have voted to determine where their urban growth boundaries should be, PLAN BAY AREA actually nullifies these boundaries by restricting development to very small locations in just some cities. It requires 80% of residential development and 66% of commercial development to squeeze into these small, fully urbanized areas. If you own property, any property whether it’s a house or an office building, outside of the PLAN BAY AREA 4% Priority Development Area you may not be able to add a granny unit, add on to your building, or develop your lot. PLAN BAY AREA is valid for 25 years! Radical building restrictions lasting for over a generation will cripple land value and your ability to start and maintain your business or residential plans. For a pdf of the MAP please click here--orange areas are Priority Development Areas.
PLAN BAY AREA violates both the 5th and 14th amendments to the U.S. Constitution. The 5th amendment guarantees property owners the right to just compensation, and the 14th amendment guarantees equal protection.
The only lawsuit which can block the implementation of Plan Bay Area is one that challenges the PLAN itself. Together, Michael Shaw of Freedom Advocates, and Rosa Koire of the Post Sustainability Institute have spearheaded this fight....
Other supporters include: Orlean Koehle, Eagle Forum; Heather Gass, East Bay TEA Party; Jim Bennett, North Bay Independent; and many US property rights groups.
PLAN BAY AREA violates the 5th Amendment of the US Constitution by taking property rights without just compensation. By the creation of Priority Development Areas, this Plan restricts 80% of residential development and 66% of commercial development to just a few small areas of your city--until the year 2040. If your property is outside of the PDA (96% of property is outside) you will likely not be able to build or expand your building--and you won't be paid for this loss.
PLAN BAY AREA violates the 14th Amendment of the US Constitution--the Equal Protection Clause. Owners of properties in the Priority Development Areas will receive development permits at a rate of approximately 80 times more than owners
of property outside of the Priority Development Areas.
PLAN BAY AREA violates voter-approved Urban Growth Boundary ordinances. Because the Priority Development Areas are within the UGBs but are much smaller restricted areas they are in violation of ordinances that clearly state that development must be encouraged out to the limits of city services: Urban Growth Boundaries. These ordinances are found throughout the Bay Area and cannot be changed without voter approval.
PLAN BAY AREA permanently strips all development rights from rural properties in the nine county Bay Area. Plan Bay Area is effectively taking conservation easements on all rural lands without paying for them.
PLAN BAY AREA restricts development rights of property within the Priority Development Areas, too. Construction will be limited to mixed-use high density Smart Growth development. Existing buildings are likely to be out of compliance with your city's General Plan (legal non-conforming) and permits to make additions or changes will likely not be granted.
PLAN BAY AREA says that cities don't have to comply with it but that is a lie. If your city wants state or federal transportation dollars over the next 28 years, it will have to comply with PLAN BAY AREA. Cities have already created Priority Development Areas in compliance with PLAN BAY AREA.
PLAN BAY AREA affects every property owner in the entire nine county 101 city Bay Area. Only the 1% big developers with their connections to elected and appointed officials will take advantage of tax credits and subsidies.
Rosa Koire, The Post Sustainability Institute, and Michael Shaw, Freedom Advocates are launching a legal action to stop PLAN BAY AREA. Their legal team is compiling the cause of action and writing objections to be entered into the legal record. Legal action is the only way to stop PLAN BAY AREA....
Through our attorneys it has recently come to light that PLAN BAY AREA will be exempt from CEQA (Environmental Impact Report) requirements because underlying area plans have already been completed in the affected areas known as Priority Development Areas (PDAs). Completion of these underlying area plans along with their accompanying EIRs were a requirement in order for areas to quality as PDAs and to be eligible for the One Bay Area Grant program, OBAG.
Why is this important? Because an effort is already underway to ask people to donate to a fund challenging the Environmental Impact Report. Are the MTC and ABAG orchestrating this effort with their own people in order to divert our time and resources to a legal challenge that will have no validity whatsoever? In fact, PLAN BAY AREA need not complete an EIR. The areas impacted by PLAN BAY AREA have already met these requirements. The EIR being prepared by the MTC and ABAG is only being done to deceive the public and distract them from the real issues of the plan's unconstitutionality.
Don't be fooled into giving money or time to a useless, baseless legal challenge to the EIR."
Regarding UN groups:
UN personnel are unelected, unaccountable, can't be prosecuted for any crime anywhere, and are funded in large part by the US taxpayer. UN groups including Agenda 21 thrive because they have endless cash from the US taxpayer via the US federal government. UN groups often claim to be about saving the "climate" or the planet. Who can object to that?
Agenda 21 continues to succeed via ridicule, man's most potent weapon. Both political parties ridicule you if you mention Agenda 21. People don't like being ridiculed, so they shut up.
Billions of US taxpayer dollars are given to places like the US Mayors Climate group which then funnels portions of the cash through UN affiliated or UN approved entities:
The US Mayors Climate group received $2.8 billion US taxpayer dollars (end of 3rd parag. at link) via the Obama porkulus in 2009. Mayors would then "fight" man-caused global warming with the help of partner ICLEI. ICLEI states it "engages in Local Agenda 21" as cited below:
1062 US Mayors signed the "US Mayors' Climate Protection Agreement" in association with ICLEI (p. 36), which states it "engages citizens in Local Agenda 21" (see 4th subhead, "Our Impacts"). The global warming alarmism agreement was motivated by then Seattle Mayor Greg Nickels whose aim was for the US to align with Kyoto global warming rules and enact 'cap and trade.' Nickels' "poor handling of the city (Seattle) during an unusually snowy winter" is said to have hurt his re-election to a third term, but no matter, open arms awaited. Nickels served a "one-year term as
a special representative to the United Nations."
"What cities are required to do if they endorse the U.S. Mayors Climate Protection Agreement," About.com
"Under the U.S. Mayors Climate Protection Agreement, participating cities commit to take the following three actions:
**Strive to meet or beat the Kyoto Protocol targets in their own
communities, through actions ranging from anti-sprawl land-use policies
to urban forest restoration projects to public information campaigns;
**Urge their state governments, and the federal government,
to enact policies and programs to meet or beat the greenhouse gas
emission reduction target suggested for the United States in the Kyoto
Protocol – 7 percent reduction from 1990 levels by 2012; and
**Urge the U.S. Congress to pass the bipartisan greenhouse
gas reduction legislation, which would establish a national emission
trading system [cap and trade]."
Above commitments on page 36 of 2006 Mayors Climate Action Handbook.
ICLEI promotes global policy through "Local Agenda 21" action:
"By 2050, a third of all humans will be living in cities," iclei.org/iclei-global
Subhead, "Our Impacts"
"We have provided leadership in linking local governments to global policy processes and multilateral environmental agreements.
We have instigated a movement of about 10,000 local governments that have engaged their citizens in Local Agenda 21; created a network of 1,000+ cities that have undertaken climate action planning and set voluntary targets for greenhouse gas emissions reduction."...(retrieved 3/13/13)
In the Mayors' climate agreement, terms "climate disruption" and "global warming pollution" (p. 35 et al.) are used interchangeably. US Mayor signers accept that the UN IPCC is the world's "most respected" authority on climate issues, and has found "climate disruption" is real, caused by humans, (p. 35) and can be alleviated by purchase of tradeable "green tags" (p. 36) among other things. Mayors agree to work with ICLEI (page 36), which acts as a "bridge between local governments and UN processes." (subhead, "What is ICLEI's international role?"):
"WHEREAS, the U.S. Conference of Mayors has previously adopted strong policy resolutions calling for cities, communities and the federal government to take actions to reduce global
warming pollution; and WHEREAS, the Inter-Governmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the international community’s most respected assemblage of scientists, has found that
climate disruption is a reality and that human activities are largely responsible for increasing concentrations of global
warming pollution; and
WHEREAS, recent, well-documented impacts of climate disruption include average global sea
level increases of four to eight inches during the 20th century;
level increases of four to eight inches during the 20th century;
a 40 percent decline in Arctic sea-ice thickness;
and nine of the ten hottest years on record occurring
in the past decade; and
WHEREAS, climate disruption of the magnitude now predicted by the scientific community will cause extremely costly disruption of human and natural systems throughout the world including: increased risk of floods or droughts; sea level rises
that interact with coastal storms to
erode beaches, inundate land, and damage structures;
more frequent and extreme heat waves;that interact with coastal storms to
erode beaches, inundate land, and damage structures;
more frequent and greater concentrations of smog;"...
page 36, "4. Increase the use of clean, alternative energy by, for example, investing in “green tags”, advocating for the development of renewable energy resources, recovering landfill methane for energy production, and supporting the use of waste to energy technology."...
page 36, ""BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, The U.S. Conference of Mayors will work in conjunction with ICLEI
Local Governments for Sustainability and other appropriate organizations to track progress and
implementation of the U.S. Mayors’ Climate Protection Agreement as amended by the 73rd
annual U.S. Conference of Mayors meeting."page 36, "We urge the U.S. Congress to pass bipartisan greenhouse gas reduction legislation that includes 1) clear timetables and emissions limits and 2) a flexible, market-based system of tradeable allowances [cap and trade] among emitting industries; and C. We will strive to meet or exceed Kyoto Protocol targets for reducing global warming pollution by taking actions in our own operations and communities."...
As mentioned above, the US Mayors Climate group received a $2.8 billion grant from the 2009 Obama stimulus. ICLEI offered assistance in "planning and implementing" the spending of the billions (for "very reasonable fees"). ICLEI "Enhanced Services" offers to help cities arrange to "institutionalize" financing, (ie, arrange permanent flows of chump taxpayer dollars). It suggests setting up a permanent "Energy Office" with the stimulus money, and ICLEI will help you do this for "an easy hourly rate." "Mayors Leading the Way on Climate Protection" announced the $2.8 billion award.
"This is one of many reasons why 1,060 mayors continue to join The U.S. Conference of Mayors' Climate Protection Agreement, vowing to reduce carbon emissions in their cities below 1990 levels, in line with the Kyoto Protocol....
Under the leadership of The Conference, the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant (EECBG) Program was conceived, making it possible for the first time in U.S. history, for cities, counties and states to receive grants specifically to fund energy-efficiency projects. This program was a top priority of the Mayors' 10-Point Plan and the Mayors' MainStreet Recovery Program. The Obama Administration earlier this year, acted to distribute $2.8 billion for EECBG, included in the Recovery Package (ARRA), which will benefit hundreds of U.S. cities."
"ICLEI Enhanced Services," icleiusa.org/action-center-financing
"ICLEI USA now offers higher levels of support to help local government members apply for economic recovery funds and develop their implementation strategies. These services are available only to ICLEI members and for very reasonable fees. To sign up or learn more about any of these offerings, including fees, contact a staff liaison in your ICLEI regional office.
"This is one of many reasons why 1,060 mayors continue to join The U.S. Conference of Mayors' Climate Protection Agreement, vowing to reduce carbon emissions in their cities below 1990 levels, in line with the Kyoto Protocol....
Under the leadership of The Conference, the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant (EECBG) Program was conceived, making it possible for the first time in U.S. history, for cities, counties and states to receive grants specifically to fund energy-efficiency projects. This program was a top priority of the Mayors' 10-Point Plan and the Mayors' MainStreet Recovery Program. The Obama Administration earlier this year, acted to distribute $2.8 billion for EECBG, included in the Recovery Package (ARRA), which will benefit hundreds of U.S. cities."
"ICLEI Enhanced Services," icleiusa.org/action-center-financing
"ICLEI USA now offers higher levels of support to help local government members apply for economic recovery funds and develop their implementation strategies. These services are available only to ICLEI members and for very reasonable fees. To sign up or learn more about any of these offerings, including fees, contact a staff liaison in your ICLEI regional office.
EECBG Assistance
ICLEI offers a range of services to help your jurisdiction plan for
and implement highly-effective Energy Efficiency and Conservation
(EECBG) programs.
Energy Efficiency and Conservation Strategy Assistance
Energy Efficiency and Conservation Strategy Assistance
For local governments that received planning funds as the first phase
of their EECBG allocation. ICLEI can help you create an effective
Energy Efficiency and Conservation Strategy (EECS) for submittal to DOE
for the release of the rest of your funding.
NEW: Custom Implementation Strategy for Revolving Energy Funds
ICLEI can help your government put in place a financially-
revolving loan fund
that supports your energy efficiency and climate
protection goals. This work helps you sort through legal and
organizational issues to arrive at a clear roadmap for implementing your
loan fund.
Energy Office Initiative
ICLEI’s Energy Office Initiative is a great resource for local governments seeking
Energy Office Initiative
ICLEI’s Energy Office Initiative is a great resource for local governments seeking
to institutionalize financing
and policy mechanisms
that support energy efficiency. EECBG funds are a great source of seed
capital to get an Energy Office up and running. NEW: Consult with ICLEI's Energy Office Director with
an easy hourly rate.
Re: "Green tags" suggested for purchase in Mayors Climate Action Agreement for sale via US DOE:
"Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs)," US Dept. of Energy
![]() |
"Renewable energy certificates (RECs), also known as
renewable energy credits, green certificates, green tags, or tradeable
renewable certificates, represent the environmental attributes of the
power produced from renewable energy projects and are sold separate from
commodity electricity. Customers can buy green certificates whether or
not they have access to green power through their local utility or a
competitive electricity marketer. And they can purchase green
certificates without having to switch electricity suppliers.
"ICLEI acts as a bridge between local governments and UN processes." (subhead,
What is ICLEI's international role?')..."It's first global programs were Local Agenda 21."
"FAQ: ICLEI, the United Nations, and Agenda 21"
2nd subhead,
"What does ICLEI do:"
ICLEI "works to help local governments achieve deep reductions in greenhouse gas emissions."
4th subhead
"What is ICLEI’s international role?"
"Working with elected officials, ICLEI's World Secretariat helps voice local government needs and priorities during international negotiations and agreements that will effect local governments, such as the U.N. climate negotiations and the upcoming Rio+20 summit.
ICLEI is one of many NGOs recognized by the U.N. to provide input into these processes. ICLEI is the "Local Authority Major Group Co-Organizing Partner" for Rio+20 and the "Local Government and Municipal Authority Focal Point" for UNFCCC climate change negotiations. What this means is that ICLEI acts as a bridge between local governments and UN processes."...
ICLEI convened its first World Congress in 1990 at UN HQ in NY:
"By 2050, a third of all humans will be living in cities," iclei.org/iclei-global
subhead, "Our Development"
ICLEI’s first global programs were Local Agenda 21, a program promoting participatory governance and local sustainable development planning, and Cities for Climate Protection™ (CCP), the world’s first and largest program supporting cities in climate action planning using a five milestone process including greenhouse gas emissions inventories to systematically reduce emissions. ICLEI’s programs and campaigns looked beyond mere environmental aspects and embraced wider sustainability issues. The ICLEI Council acknowledged this and formally broadened the mandate of the association in 2003, renaming the association ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability."
ICLEI was involved in formulating Agenda 21 in 1992:
"What is ICLEI's relationship to Agenda 21?"
"At the Earth Summit (in 1992), national governments, including the United States under the Bush Administration, negotiated and wrote Agenda 21....
In this context, ICLEI served the role of technical representative for a range of local government organizations....ICLEI took input from these organizations regarding their key positions in areas pertinent to local government, such as urban development, water resources, and waste management, and presented these positions to UN representatives and national government representatives, who included them into the final text.
The State Department representatives of the Bush Administration encouraged local governments and ICLEI to provide input so that Agenda 21 reflected local realities.
ICLEI’s view was that the only way to sensibly pursue more sustainable development was to fully engage the citizens and stakeholders of cities and local communities in defining their own plans for development."...
"ICLEI USA is the leading membership association of cities and counties committed to climate action, clean energy, and sustainability."...(text from sidebar)
"ICLEI GLOBAL-A World Movement:"
"ICLEI USA is part of an international organization that operates 13 offices on 7 continents. The ICLEI global network works on clean energy, climate protection, biodiversity, sustainable procurement and water issues."
Mayors' group origin:
"U.S. Conference of Mayors Climate Protection Agreement"
"On February 16, 2005 the Kyoto Protocol, the international agreement to address climate disruption, became law for the 141 countries that have ratified it to date. On that day, Seattle Mayor Greg Nickels launched this initiative to advance the goals of the Kyoto Protocol through leadership and action by at least 141 American cities."...
Mayors traveled to Copenhagen 'climate summit' in 2009:
1/11/10, "Mayors Lead the Way on Climate Protection At Copenhagen Summit," usmayors.org
Agenda 21 lingo
Seattle Mayor Nickels was a big promoter of man caused global warming, a preoccupation with which may have been his downfall:
2/23/12, "Former Seattle Mayor Greg Nickels announces Secretary of State bid," mynorthwest.com
"Nickels sought a third term as mayor, but was defeated in the primary. It has been largely speculated that poor handling of the city during an unusually snowy winter, as well as the exit of the Seattle SuperSonics, lead to his defeat.
Since 2008, Nickels taught a semester at Harvard and served a one-year term as a special representative to the United Nations."
Billionaire Mayor Bloomberg has financial interests in global warming terror:
11/5/07, "U.S. Mayors Seek Federal Help to Protect Climate," ens-newswire.com
"New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg said, "Climate change presents a national security imperative for us, because our dependence on foreign oil has entangled our interests with tyrants and increased our exposure to terrorism. It's also an economic imperative, because clean energy is going to be the oil gusher of the 21st century."
Mayor Bloomberg called for a pollution fee to discourage practices that generate heat-trapping greenhouse gases."...
"FAQ: ICLEI, the United Nations, and Agenda 21"
2nd subhead,
"What does ICLEI do:"
ICLEI "works to help local governments achieve deep reductions in greenhouse gas emissions."
4th subhead
"What is ICLEI’s international role?"
"Working with elected officials, ICLEI's World Secretariat helps voice local government needs and priorities during international negotiations and agreements that will effect local governments, such as the U.N. climate negotiations and the upcoming Rio+20 summit.
ICLEI is one of many NGOs recognized by the U.N. to provide input into these processes. ICLEI is the "Local Authority Major Group Co-Organizing Partner" for Rio+20 and the "Local Government and Municipal Authority Focal Point" for UNFCCC climate change negotiations. What this means is that ICLEI acts as a bridge between local governments and UN processes."...
ICLEI convened its first World Congress in 1990 at UN HQ in NY:
"By 2050, a third of all humans will be living in cities," iclei.org/iclei-global
subhead, "Our Development"
"ICLEI was founded in 1990 by 200 local governments
from 43 countries who convened for the first World Congress of Local
Governments for a Sustainable Future at the United Nations headquarters
in New York. Operations started in 1991 at the World Secretariat in
Toronto, Canada, and the European Secretariat in Freiburg, Germany.
ICLEI’s first global programs were Local Agenda 21, a program promoting participatory governance and local sustainable development planning, and Cities for Climate Protection™ (CCP), the world’s first and largest program supporting cities in climate action planning using a five milestone process including greenhouse gas emissions inventories to systematically reduce emissions. ICLEI’s programs and campaigns looked beyond mere environmental aspects and embraced wider sustainability issues. The ICLEI Council acknowledged this and formally broadened the mandate of the association in 2003, renaming the association ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability."
ICLEI was involved in formulating Agenda 21 in 1992:
"What is ICLEI's relationship to Agenda 21?"
"At the Earth Summit (in 1992), national governments, including the United States under the Bush Administration, negotiated and wrote Agenda 21....
In this context, ICLEI served the role of technical representative for a range of local government organizations....ICLEI took input from these organizations regarding their key positions in areas pertinent to local government, such as urban development, water resources, and waste management, and presented these positions to UN representatives and national government representatives, who included them into the final text.
The State Department representatives of the Bush Administration encouraged local governments and ICLEI to provide input so that Agenda 21 reflected local realities.
ICLEI’s view was that the only way to sensibly pursue more sustainable development was to fully engage the citizens and stakeholders of cities and local communities in defining their own plans for development."...
"ICLEI USA is the leading membership association of cities and counties committed to climate action, clean energy, and sustainability."...(text from sidebar)
"ICLEI GLOBAL-A World Movement:"
"ICLEI USA is part of an international organization that operates 13 offices on 7 continents. The ICLEI global network works on clean energy, climate protection, biodiversity, sustainable procurement and water issues."
Mayors' group origin:
"U.S. Conference of Mayors Climate Protection Agreement"
"On February 16, 2005 the Kyoto Protocol, the international agreement to address climate disruption, became law for the 141 countries that have ratified it to date. On that day, Seattle Mayor Greg Nickels launched this initiative to advance the goals of the Kyoto Protocol through leadership and action by at least 141 American cities."...
Mayors traveled to Copenhagen 'climate summit' in 2009:
1/11/10, "Mayors Lead the Way on Climate Protection At Copenhagen Summit," usmayors.org
Agenda 21 lingo
Seattle Mayor Nickels was a big promoter of man caused global warming, a preoccupation with which may have been his downfall:
2/23/12, "Former Seattle Mayor Greg Nickels announces Secretary of State bid," mynorthwest.com
"Nickels sought a third term as mayor, but was defeated in the primary. It has been largely speculated that poor handling of the city during an unusually snowy winter, as well as the exit of the Seattle SuperSonics, lead to his defeat.
Since 2008, Nickels taught a semester at Harvard and served a one-year term as a special representative to the United Nations."
Billionaire Mayor Bloomberg has financial interests in global warming terror:
11/5/07, "U.S. Mayors Seek Federal Help to Protect Climate," ens-newswire.com
"New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg said, "Climate change presents a national security imperative for us, because our dependence on foreign oil has entangled our interests with tyrants and increased our exposure to terrorism. It's also an economic imperative, because clean energy is going to be the oil gusher of the 21st century."
Mayor Bloomberg called for a pollution fee to discourage practices that generate heat-trapping greenhouse gases."...
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