George Soros gave Ivanka's husband's business a $250 million credit line in 2015 per WSJ. Soros is also an investor in Jared's business.

Monday, September 10, 2012

'Getting at the soul of Stanley Crouch's ignorance,' commenter

9/10/12, "Getting at the soul of our nation," "Lessons from Tampa and Charlotte," NY Daily News, Stanley Crouch


9/10/12, "Getting at the soul of Stanley Crouch's ignorance:" Free Republic commenter presidio9

1) Georgetown University has asked Sandra Fluke to stop referring to herself as a student there. She is no longer enrolled, and has not passed the bar. She is a 31 year-old formerly Protestant woman who graduated from Cornell in 2003 with a major in women's studies. She spent the interim seeking out a Catholic University with the intent of challenging its health care policy. Mission accomplished. I believe that personal attacks are counter productive in politics, but Rush Limbuagh did not call her a "slut" for her "views on contraception." He stated that she implied that she was having so much sex that she needed a government sponsor, which is a LOT closer to the truth.

2) The entire Democrat political philosophy, and the Convention they just held, was obsessed with nothing else but defining individuals based on "class, ethnicity, education and politics." They are proud to do so.

3) It is clear that Michelle Obama loves her husband, but the idea that "he doesn’t care whether you’re a Democrat, a Republican," or "he’s always ready to listen to good ideas," is laughable. In his first week in office, Republicans (including Paul Ryan) challenged him on the stimulus,

3) With the exception of Bill Clinton, every president in the past century has had "tough stuff" to deal with. The great thing about our democracy is we get to fire the ones who are ineffective after four years of trying.

4) It would have been impossible for Bill Clinton and Joe Biden to have "held the GOP’s feet to the fire for voting against bipartisan ideas to lower the deficit." The very fact that they voted against it necessitates that the ideas weren't really bi-partisan. This is politics 101.

5) No surprise that the only speaker Crouch liked at the GOP convention was the Black pro-choice Condoleezza Rice, but he obviously wasn't paying attention if he agrees with what she had to say about education. He omitted the part about "poor" and "mediocre" teachers in the sentence he quoted, and he ignored the line about school choice. That's either dishonest or just plain stupid.

6) Finally, are you really going to lecture us about "soul" from a convention that omitted God from its platform and than booed God when wimpy strategists tried to force Him back in?"


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I'm the daughter of a World War II Air Force pilot and outdoorsman who settled in New Jersey.