George Soros gave Ivanka's husband's business a $250 million credit line in 2015 per WSJ. Soros is also an investor in Jared's business.

Sunday, August 23, 2020

Covid self-defense kit based on zinc, quercetin and bromhexine for those at risk to discuss with doctors, since Autumn approaches in Northern Hemisphere and Western officials are silent on early treatment guidance-Swiss Policy Research

August, 2020,Covid Self-Defense Kit,” Swiss Policy Research 

“Autumn is approaching in the northern hemisphere, coronavirus antibody prevalence is still low (less than 5%) in much of previously locked-down Europe and non-urban areas of the US, and authorities in most Western countries still aren’t providing any covid prophylaxis and early treatment guidance. 

SPR encourages people at high risk or high exposure to discuss with their doctorprophylactic or early treatment strategy based on zinc, quercetin and bromhexine. Zinc blocks coronavirus RNA replication while quercetin and bromhexine block coronavirus cell entry. 

Already in May, US doctors reported45% reduction in mortality of hospitalized patients by adding zinc to standard treatment. In June, US doctors reported a rapid resolution of Covid symptoms, such as shortness of breath, due to early outpatient treatment with high-dose zinc. 

Cloth masks have failed to stop the pandemic because they cannot prevent indoor aerosol transmission; “contact tracing” has failed to stop the pandemic because of undetected four day pre-symptomatic and indoor aerosol transmission. 

Thus, to avoid a second round of chaos and devastating lockdowns, reducing hospitalizations and mortality by successful prophylactic or early treatment of covid is absolutely essential.” 

EN: On the treatment of Covid-19 →
DE: Zur Behandlung von Covid-19 →


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I'm the daughter of a World War II Air Force pilot and outdoorsman who settled in New Jersey.