George Soros gave Ivanka's husband's business a $250 million credit line in 2015 per WSJ. Soros is also an investor in Jared's business.

Saturday, October 13, 2018

Government corruption was deciding issue in 2016 election per NY Times. Two years later, the US is openly lawless for those in government. US rebirth is only possible if NSA, FBI, CIA, and State Dept. are completely closed down-Clinton “researchers,” 10/12/18

Government corruption was the deciding issue in 2016 election per NY Times: “Priorities [USA Democrat super PAC]...studied Obama-to-Trump voters. Estimates of the number of such voters range from 6.7 to 9.2 million, far more than enough to provide Trump his Electoral College victory. The counties that switched from Obama to Trump were heavily concentrated in the Midwest and other Rust Belt states. 
We don’t need to wait for the House or IG to tell us the FISA(702)(16)(17) search queries were weaponized for political use, because FISA Court Presiding Judge Rosemary Collyer already outlined the investigative findings of NSA Director Mike Rogers in his admissions to the FISC (FISA Court)….
Thousands of search queries from November 1, 2015, to May 1, 2016.

85% of those search queries were unauthorized (ie. illegal)….
All of these data-points flow in one distinct direction: a collective effort within various administrative IC [intelligence community] agencies of the U.S. government to use access to intelligence systems to conduct research on their political enemies. That includes candidate Donald Trump.

In the aggregate the Clinton “researchers” are advancing her interests through the insider use of a system that is ideologically aligned with her political objectives.

While the 2016 FBI unit, headed by Andrew McCabe, is facilitating-via contractors-a fraudulent and corrupt operation against Clinton’s political opponent; at the same time the Clinton research team are using their DoS access point to unmask the results of the names that come from the Fusion-GPS team….
This is all one massively corrupt enterprise using intelligence gathering databases.

However, here’s the punch in the gut. The U.S. government doesn’t want the previous corrupt use of the system to surface, because that could potentially put the entire intelligence system at risk… The public might demand the entire system is dismantled. As a consequence even the non-corrupt entities within government are not in position to make the jaw-dropping weaponization public.”…

MAGADJT says: October 12, 2018 at 11:03 pm

They can’t have a real investigation, because they don’t want the public enraged to the point of demanding the elimination of the programs that grant access to all this information. Information is power.”

“Joe says: October 12, 2018 at 10:59 pm 

I asked this question months ago re Samantha Powers: “…her testimony is: ‘they may be under my name, but I did not make those requests‘.”

How the hell is there not a Special Council investigation into this?”

“lizzyp says: October 12, 2018 at 11:33 pm

Here is the way I think about it so that it makes some sense:
It is my belief that the whole idea of ‘The United States of America’ only works as long as We the People believe that it does.– financial markets rely on the fact that We trust that all the little numbers we see on our computer screens can be converted to some sort of economic use without having to put our hands on the physical currency. Politically, We have to believe that our representatives and elected officials are acting in our best interests. The legal system relies on citizens who have faith that bad people will be punished, good people won’t and that law enforcement can be relied on to sort them out. Remember what happened at the beginning of the Great Depression when people stopped believing their money was ‘there’? There was a run on the banks and you probably know the rest.

So imagine if We the People suddenly found out that, beyond a shadow of a doubt, our entire justice system had been perverted and corrupted to such an extent that We could no longer believe in the core principles? You know how when police officer is found to be dishonest and then all his cases get reopened or thrown out? Imagine that on a national scale. The problem all along is how to eliminate the cancerous cells without killing the patient.

My personal opinion is that the situation became critical the moment the decision was made to not appoint a Special Counsel to conduct the Clinton email investigation. That single decision guaranteed that, no matter what the outcome, roughly 1/2 the country would not trust the results or the process.”…

Trump may have kept a lot of his so-called promises, but I assure you he was elected primarily to remove the illegals and put an end to this corruption in our government.”

girlyman514 says: “October 13, 2018 at 12:46 am

The amount of exposing of criminality is getting beyond numbing. I fear this Trump nullification scandal will end up in a whimper just like the Wasserman-Schultz / Imran Awan scandal that just slid out of sight. However, the seriousness of this level of criminality cannot go unanswered. We are currently operating without a functional Justice Department.
The entire nation knows it. We’ve been held hostage for over a year by a bogus investigation, which any competent lawyer could of torn apart. The main defendants more than likely would of plead deals to flesh out what we are now getting.

The main reason for so much incivility, violence and corruption is the lack of accountability. Like SD said recently, things like the Kavanaugh accusations don’t just happen. They occurred because they were not afraid of being caught. The same goes for our FBI, DOJ and all the other corrupted agencies. Trump may have kept a lot of his so-called promises, but I assure you he was elected primarily to remove the illegals and put an end to this corruption in our government. Waiting until after the midterms to act is a democratic action, not a conservative one. We’ll see.”

“GB Bari says: October 13, 2018 at 2:07 am

The sunlit truth should be exposed and repeatedly spread far and wide very publicly so that the criminals in government (or recently retired from it) realize they are not hiding from anyone.
It will become increasingly obvious the public knows exactly what’s in this graveyard that the politicians are trying to whistle past, exposing those politicians as being increasingly corrupt despite their protestations to the contrary. Eventually there has to be a tipping point.”

vikingmom says: October 12, 2018 at 11:58 pm

All of the people who have been trying to warn us that things were not as they seemed have been dismissed as “crackpots”.

The events of 9-11-01 enabled the government to create a massive “intelligence” department as a way to “protect” us from terrorists – it was probably already in place but that allowed it to be brought into the light. DHS, TSA, NSA, etc…and all the sheeple quietly go along with it because they are too busy watching Netflix and The Bachelorette!

The financial meltdown of 2008, which led to the election of Obama – does anyone really believe John McCain was actually campaigning to win that election – should have been a giant, flashing wake-up sign to us that our financial house was built on sand…but, no, “safeguards” were put into place, and “bailouts” stabilized the market (yeah, right!) and the “fundamental transformation” of America was well on its way….We CAN survive but first we have to admit how bad the problem is, and then, and only then, can we take the necessary steps to defeat it!”…


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I'm the daughter of a World War II Air Force pilot and outdoorsman who settled in New Jersey.