People came out in droves in 2006 because the democrats were running on rolling back the Bush abuses and promised us that if we gave Pelosi the gavel she would do just that.

I’m sure that I don’t have to remind people of her saying that impeachment is off the table and the democrats were going to keep their powder dry.

Next up was Obama who pretty much campaigned on not being George Bush. Except for once he got into office he became Bush on steroids. Now as the article states there isn’t an anti war movement because people went silent after Obama did that.

Look at how many people were willing to overlook the heinous war crimes that Hillary committed during her tenure as SOS. Libya was her decision and Obama went along with her. Now Libya is over run by terrorists and they are selling people as slaves there. Telling people that was happening and Hillary and Obama were responsible for it was met with blank stares and disbelief. Saying that she is a warmonger was also met with hostility.

Obama is not only the first black president in American history, he’s the black president that brought slavery back into Libya. And the anti war demise rests solely on his shoulders. This is his legacy as is the fact that Donald Trump’s presidency followed his.”


I used to shrug my shoulders and vote for Democrats in the Congressional elections thinking, “well, they are slightly less evil than Republicans.” Can’t even do that anymore.”