George Soros gave Ivanka's husband's business a $250 million credit line in 2015 per WSJ. Soros is also an investor in Jared's business.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

To gain political power ClimateGate figure suggests targeting honchos in metropolitan areas

12/6/11, "1997: UEA warmist Mike Hulme muses on how to use junk climate science to gain political power,"

"ClimateGate FOIA grepper! - Email 784

1. Who are the users? The key target group should really be those people

  • at EU, national, regional or local level who are

charged with long-term planning decisions or environmental legislation. Richard mentions coastal and water managers - these functions in most countries are usually split between many different agencies which causes problems. Local authorities, especially those in metropolitan areas, should also be seen as a key target group. As far as influencing Framework V is concerned, we have missed the boat, so additional research managers will need to be targeted.

By the way, I'm not convinced by Jan Goudrian's notion of targeting science journalists. There are some really dumb journalists around and although the idea is good to influence and improve the quality of public debate in this area, in the end journalists are about getting or creating a good story and not about the critical process of scientific exploration and reflection.

2. How do we canvass them? This is potentially a huge task and we need to devise some strategy to make it manageable. Inviting voluntary involvement runs into the same problem we faced here in the UK in that only those already convinced of the importance of the issue will get involved. For many other potential users, they need convincing that there is a real policy issue here, and one that demands their immediate attention. And convincing people of the priority of this issue is not easy - after all, I don't think we really know where climate change impacts should fit in the hierarchy of policy issues, or even in the subset of environmental policy issues.""


These are salesmen/activists but the problem is I'm their target. Their counterparts in the US have already begun reassigning populations from the icky suburbs to 'smarter' holding pens in urban areas--they'll be closer to jobs and won't need cars. A Mitt Romney adviser wrote this recently in the NY Times but UN sponsored organizations have been working to implement this for years via groups like ICLEI.

Auschwitz without the ovens.

Those engaged in "relocating" us are all deadly serious people, lots of money and lawyers behind them. To them we're just things that must be moved.

The rich will get richer and the annoying middle class will be silenced once and for all. This prospect has attracted politicians the the "sustainable" industry. They hate the middle class.

Once our 'sustainable' betters have herded us into our urban holding pens, we'll be introduced to Soros euthanasia groups, Soros 'end of life' counseling--or perhaps we'll just drop dead like they do in the UK, screaming for a glass of water and being ignored. It's the fair thing--older people shouldn't hog environmental resources that rightly belong to the younger generation (that's a UN group too, generational rights).

Proof that you can get people to believe anything.

82% of Muslims in Egypt believe you should be stoned to death for adultery.

So, no, myself, I won't be going quietly into your death camp. ed.


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I'm the daughter of a World War II Air Force pilot and outdoorsman who settled in New Jersey.