George Soros gave Ivanka's husband's business a $250 million credit line in 2015 per WSJ. Soros is also an investor in Jared's business.

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

In Italy Corona occurs in same regions affected by malaria outbreaks, mainly Northern Italy. Malaria was eradicated in Italy in 1950s but came back in Northern Italy with migrants

In Milan, northern Italy, the proportion of P. vivax [malaria parasite] cases treated at a referral university hospital rose from 14.5% P. vivax in 2013 to 33.3% P. vivax in 2014 due mainly to malaria cases in Eritrean migrants [10] …Grande R, Di Gregorio A, Gismondo MR, Galli M, Antinori S. Rise of Plasmodium vivax malaria diagnosis in 2014 in a referral university hospital of Northern Italy. Trop Med Int Health. 2015; 20(Suppl. 1):177...Google Scholar”2018 study,Area of exposure and treatment challenges of malaria in Eritrean migrants: a GeoSentinel analysis,Malaria Journal. See migration map below at end of this post…Added: A cluster of 22 imported malaria cases, 21 caused by Plasmodium falciparum, was observed among illegal Chinese immigrants in northern Italy in the summer of 2000,”…Italy, from which malaria was eradicated in the 1950s, is susceptible to the reintroduction of the disease.

3/23/20, In Italy, Covid-19 spreads only in regions affected by malaria,” Voltaire Network


Italy experienced a malaria epidemic in 2013-2017 with 3805 identified cases.


The map of malaria infections happens to match exactly that of the 59,138 cases infected with Covid-19.


Malaria like Covid-19 is effectively treated only with chloroquine.”
Added:  Malaria Map:Map of migration routes from Eritrea overland to Europe and via airlift to the US and Canada and malaria epidemiology on the migration paths.” from Malaria Journal


Comment: Migrants aren’t the problem. The problem is governments. It’s taken for granted today that governments-mainly US and European governments--can carry out genocide against their own populations. It works for one reason: if you dare object to participating in your own genocide, you're called "racist."


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I'm the daughter of a World War II Air Force pilot and outdoorsman who settled in New Jersey.