George Soros gave Ivanka's husband's business a $250 million credit line in 2015 per WSJ. Soros is also an investor in Jared's business.

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Ivanka immediately on board with newly-elected hijab-wearing Muslim Democrat, urges Congress to change longtime rule about head coverings so Muslim women would be able to wear hijabs

Left, 11/19/18, A newly elected Muslim Democrat congresswoman from Minnesota and Somalia wants Congress to change its rule about head covering so that she may wear her Muslim hijab in Congress. A twitter user notes Ivanka immediately endorses the idea, says it’s important for Congress to change the rule. Ivanka includes a photo of the newly elected hijab wearing Democrat from Minnesota and Somalia. Via Ann Coulter twitter. Original Ivanka tweet follows:

Left, 11/19/18, from Official Ivanka Trump twitter. Two newly elected Democrat congresswomen are Muslim, one each from Minnesota and Michigan. The one from Minnesota (born in Somalia) says she wants to wear her hijab in Congress. Ivanka immediately gives her imprimatur, says it’s important for Congress to change rules to allow hijabs to be worn.

From The Hill: Below, image of incoming hijab-wearing Democrat Congresswoman Omar from Minnesota and Somalia, getty

11/19/18, “Dems eye change in rules to allow religious headwear,” The Hill, Owen Daugherty

“Democrats are attempting to overhaul a centuries-old rule banning hats in an effort to accommodate lawmakers who wear religious headwear.

Comment: Liberalism is a fatal mental disorder. I thought Ivanka was supposed to be helping her father. Her father is where he is for one reason, he promised to build the Wall. Why isn't Ivanka getting the Wall built? Nothing else matters.


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I'm the daughter of a World War II Air Force pilot and outdoorsman who settled in New Jersey.